In Ground Basketball Hoops: 5 Benefits for Your Child's Life

In ground basketball hoops have become within the reach of the common consumer or homeowner much more than in the past, and it's no longer a luxury available only to the richest among us. Manufacturing costs, improved designs, and more streamlined distribution systems have led to them being available at much more affordable prices.

But perhaps you're on the fence about making such a big purchase anyways and are wondering if it will just become a distraction at your home when the kids should be doing homework. Here are 5 benefits installing in ground basketball hoops can have on your child's life:

1. Physical Activity

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to point out that kids with their own personal basketball court in the front yard are going to get a lot more physical activity than most of America's young, sedentary population. And there's practically nothing so vital to a healthy human's growth than getting plenty of exercise.

It strengthens their bones, keeps them limber, and promotes better cardiovascular health