Punching Bags Named BOB

Body Opponent Bags, or BOBs, are punching bags created for fans of martial arts and reality games. It is designed to look like an adult male, possessing all the features and proportions of a human torso. BOBs are the perfect bags to learn self-defense, train for boxing, or practice martial arts techniques. All you need to train is supplied in this one bag.

The BOB appears so realistic that this is what makes it a better training punching bag than ordinary ones. It aids you in learning different holds, specific body shots, or any form of self-defense you want to be proficient at. The height on the BOB adjusts from 5'6 to 6'2 so that you are able to fit your sparring partner's size to where you want it. This also allows for maximum training with many opponents.

The BOB punching bags supplies a flexible springing backwards that gives you an even more realistic workout. The BOB's 'skin' is made from plastisol and contains urethane inside. This makes your BOB more lifelike and fools you into thinking your target is human. While making for some excellent training, your BOB fits in with YOUR schedule.

The BOB comes with a rounded and wide base made from polyethylene. When filled with water or sand, this base weighs about 270 pounds. This helps the BOB to handle the heaviest strikes you can deliver while still remaining stable. Once you are done with your training, you can simply roll it away. These punching bags can also be removed from their stands if there are more specialize training sessions you want to try.

As with anything that is durable, flexible, and at the top of the line, the BOB is a bit more expensive than most punching bags. Depending on what size you need, the prices start in the low $300s and go to the high $300s, so you can plan on spending somewhere between $300 and $400 for one. The BOBs also need a bit larger space to workout but serious trainers feel they are definitely worth modifying areas to accommodate them.