Safe Urban Bike Riding - 7 Tips to Keep You Safe

Urban bike riding can seem intimidating for the new cyclist. With the roads becoming more and more grid-locked, and more new drivers taking to the road than at any time in history, city cycling is becoming more hazardous. Many people would love to take up cycling but are put off by their fear of the traffic in their city. There's no denying that the roads are busier than ever and it can be intimidating for new cyclists, but if you follow a few basic safety rules you should have nothing to worry about. Here's seven rules to keep you safe.

1 Make sure your bike is in good working order. This comes down to basic maintenance but is often overlooked by many people. If you have had your bike stored away for a while, don't just jump on it and go cycling. Check it over. Make sure the brakes are working fine, check that the chain is moving and smoothly and that there are no signs of rust. The gears should be moving easily and smoothly. It's distracting if you are on the road and you are having to mess around trying to change gears. While you are concentrating on the gears you are not concentrating on the road. Any defect in your bike, however slight can become a risk on the road. This is just a case of preventive maintenance and checking your bike regularly. Preventive maintenance is crucial to safe urban bike riding.

2 A lot of bike accidents occur at night or in the early morning because the driver did not see the cyclist. This is obvious and cheap to remedy. make sure you are seen. Fit plenty of reflectors to your bike as well as lights. Use good quality lights not cheap ones which begin to go dim after a few uses. I can never understand people who pay a lot of money for a good bike then put cheap lights on it. Lighting is crucial to your safety so get the best. Place reflectors between the spokes so you are visible from the side.

3 Wear a helmet. There's two sides to this argument. Some people say they are not necessary and won't prevent injury, the other side say they are essential. i'm with the essential side. Broken bones can be fixed a fractured skull is usually fatal. Why take the chance? You can get great styled helmets now at a reasonable price and the days when people stared at a cyclists with a helmet are long gone. you may feel self conscious when you first go out with your new helmet on. But believe me, no one is going to look twice at a cyclist wearing a helmet these days. So wear one.

4 Wear high visibility clothing specifically designed for cycling. These will usually have reflectors built into them. Most drivers will have no trouble seeing you but make yourself extra visible for the inattentive drivers out there. You also need to be seen if you are at the side of the road repairing a puncture. As a cyclist you have a responsibility to make sure you are seen.

5 Follow the traffic rules. I see cyclists weaving in and out of traffic lanes trying to get a few extra yards. They are not only annoying motorists but putting themselves in unnecessary danger. Stay at the side of the road unless you are making a turn. use bike lanes if they are any. There is a tactic I've read about used in some places where cyclists will cycle in the oncoming traffic lane. The argument being that it prevents you from getting hit from behind and you can see the oncoming traffic. The argument is logical, the tactic suicidal. Don't do it. This is akin to playing Russian roulette, sooner or later you will lose. Follow the rules.

6 I know this may sound like a 1960s public information film but use hand signals, and I don't mean the two fingered one. Use hand signals to let drivers know your intentions, this avoids any confusion and will give the driver plenty of warning about what you intend to do so he can make adjustments accordingly. I'm a motorist as well as a cyclist and sometimes I have cyclists in front of me who will suddenly turn without warning. I'm always extra alert around cyclists so I am rarely taken by surprise, but some drivers may not be so alert. Let them know what you intend to do.

7 Carry a tool kit. make sure you don't leave the house without some basic tools to get you going if something falls off or breaks. One of the greatest inventions in tool kits over the last thirty years has been micro tools that fold into a neat little square. There's loads of designs about and you should have one. I carry mine in a small under the saddle bag, along with a puncture kit and a spare inner tube.

As a cyclists, you're responsible for ensuring you take the necessary steps to ensure your own safety. The seven steps just mentioned are basic but essential to your safety.Taking them will go a long way to ensuring you have an enjoyable time on your bike and stay safe in heavy traffic areas.