Safety -
Key points to remember:
- Safety in dancing
- Efficiency in foot placement
- Mastering your floor space
Good dancers have a sense of awareness about themselves in relation to others on the dance floor. In developing this awareness apply the following whether you are in a dance lesson, practicing by yourself and especially at a dance club.
In Salsa any step back should be a small one, period. This applies to the man as well as the woman. If your step back is large you will run into problems such as:
- Stepping on other dancers around and behind you
- Getting stepped on by other dancers
- Not being able to comfortably stay on time to the music (both you and your partner)
Measure your step by placing the toe of your back step (the foot going back, right or left) lightly against the inside heel of your opposite foot (keep your weight on the ball of your back foot and the heel off the floor) then step forward with your opposite foot (heel to flat).
Step back with your left foot and forward with your right then step back with your right foot and forward with your left. At first be sure to watch your feet as you do this, then practice without looking down until you can "feel" the appropriate distance. At first, practice this SLOWLY you will find that you will gain speed naturally and conserve the amount of space you use on the dance floor. This is an extremely important point because keeping your steps small respects the space of other dancers and protects you from injury in crowded floors. This also helps you avoid "losing" the beat as you are dancing with your partner. If on any video you see the instructors taking large steps back, it is only for the purpose of letting you see the footwork on a larger scale.
About the Author
Cado Productions is dedicated to the promotion of Salsa dancing, both for recreation and as part of a healthy lifestyle. We continually produce articles for both the beginner and the advanced dancer.