Should You Pick-Up Some "Dirty" Street Fighting Techniques?

Ask yourself this question, "Should you pick-up some street fighting techniques? How much money would you pay to answer the cries of someone you love, who has been brutally ripped away from you by a sadistic you lay on the ground helpless?"

Imagine this, you are running out of some errands tonight with your girlfriend, wife or kid and were suddenly and unexpectedly attacked. Will you regret by not picking-up some close combat street fighting skills that could have saved them? The truth is, you can't live with it if someone you love is brutally attacked or dies at the hands of a brutal attacker. For sure no money could bring them back!

Your only option is to prepare yourself now so that when you standing in between a brutal attacker and your loved ones, you know that you are armed with the "vicious" street fighting techniques.

As your adrenalin is pumping, your mind must be prepared when facing such a situation. Normally the confrontation is:

1.spontaneous and unpredictable;

2.extremely brutal and dangerous; and explosive;

4.kicking is not practical or effective and seldom use;

5.unarmed street fighting usually landed on the ground and turn into a ground fight;

6.there is no rule.

The best street fighting techniques during a real attack must be:

1.easy to remember even under extreme pressure;

2.simple but downright nasty and practical; end the fight as quickly as possible; and not require hours of practice to master it.

The practical effective self-defence techniques are what you need in such a vicious situation. Most of the time these are known as "dirty" street fighting techniques. Just remember this, stop using the ineffective moves and techniques that are only going to get you killed. Learn the practical and effective self-defence techniques to protect your love ones from any vicious attack.