Why Night Fishing Beats Day Fishing Any Day of the Week
Without a doubt, night fishing is better than day fishing for many reasons.
One of the biggest reasons is the size of the fish you can catch at night. In almost every circumstance, you will catch bigger fish at night than you can during the day. There are several reasons for this. Bigger fish tend to feed at night. Maybe the reason these fish were able to get so big is because they were smart enough to not eat during the day when dinner may include a fisherman's hook inside it.
Note: One other huge reason why you will have a big advantage at night is that you can use the
Evening Secret at night. Why will this increase your catches? Check it out to see. (
I like to think the big fish just sit around all day and take bets on which little fish is going to get caught by a fisherman. Ok, maybe that is a little far fetched, but it's fun to imagine.
Bigger fish also seem to feed on baitfish in more shallow water than during the day.
Since the fish are less likely to associate night time to fishermen, they tend to take the bait with less resistance and hesitation. Almost like they are thinking to themselves "There is no way this is a fisherman's bait, it midnight for crying out loud". This results in better hooking of the fish.
Maybe it's the fact that fish are more likely to feed based on sound and vibration at night, unlike the day when they can also use vision.
Since you will be catching bigger fish at night, you can also use bigger bait. Personally, I find it easier to use bigger lures anyway, so it works out better for me at the same time.
You don't have to worry about all the other boats zipping around you at night, like you do during the day. This alone is enough to make some fishermen want to only fish at night. The peaceful serenity at night is hard to beat.
If you fish at night in the summertime, you will also appreciate the cooler weather compared to fishing during the day.
If you have never been night fishing before, you need to get out there and try it at least once. You may never want to fish during the day again!
About the Author
Daniel Eggertsen is a long time fishermen, as well as President and Founder of Evening Secret Fishing (http://www.eveningsecretfishing.com/specialsecret/night-day.php)