Trampoline Accessories: 6 Additions You May Want To Consider For Your New Trampoline

If you're like most parents, you're probably getting as excited about purchasing a new trampoline as your kids are. When you see that fire in their eyes, it's hard not to get caught up in the fever, and let's face it, if you get a big enough trampoline, you'll probably be spending some time bouncing around yourself. But there are also some great trampoline accessories that can enhance your experience, and it's a good idea to educate yourself about them now while you are reviewing your options.

Here are 6 trampoline accessories you should be aware of:

1. A Small Ladder or Stairs

Climbing up on a large trampoline can be a bit of a hassle for a smaller kid, and even if not, you'll find most users automatically jump off the trampoline when they are done. In many cases that doesn't result in injury, but there are also tons of injuries every year for this careless move. The risk of stumbling forward and smashing into something or twisting an ankle is very real.

A small ladder or stair-setup can make getting on and off easy, and you should make it a rule that kids have to climb down from the trampoline rather than jump, whether you have a ladder or not. Some models even have built in steps.

2. Anchor Kit

An anchor kit is a good idea to keep your trampoline fastened to the ground. This keeps it from moving around a lot when being jumped on, which improves safety, but it is also handy in areas where high winds occur in storms. Even the biggest trampolines can be picked up and tossed across the yard, resulting in damage to it or surrounding structures.

3. Safety Net

One of the most important trampoline accessories is a safety net. A safety net keeps jumpers from flying off of the trampoline and receiving serious injury when they crash into something or twist a limb.

The safety nets are usually suspended by poles that extend up from the frame, and they block a runaway jumper and toss them back down to the mat. Keep in mind that some safety nets present a danger because the poles are made of a metal and not properly covered. You may want to look at a trampoline that uses flexible fiberglass poles instead.

4. Weather cover

What about protection from the elements? A trampoline can wear down just like anything else, so you might want to cover it up to protect it from the damaging effect of UV rays, extreme cold, and rain. This is a significant purchase, you want it to last, and weakened materials can present unnoticed dangers in structural integrity.

5. Bounce Board

Trampoline accessories are really heading off on a tangent these days, and kids are finding a way to practice extreme sports, like skateboarding and snowboarding, at home. The bounce board is a new creation that employs foot straps and allows them to practice their favorite tricks on the bouncy surface.

The accessories that are best for you really depend on your needs, and there are many others out there, but these ones are definitely items you should consider. Have fun!