Weight Training Soccer: Who Else Want To Know Great Strategies

Probability you might not believe this, but just hear me out on this. The play which requires excessive power, and, or explosive power, Weight training soccer is vital while coaching these players. Strong abdominal and lower back muscles are also essential for players for whom strength and power is not the main issue.

This article will teach you the basic theories of weight training for soccer using simple methods for presenting those theories.

Specificity is a common principle in soccer strength training. It means that if you can train your players in a way that emulates their activity when playing on the field, then you must spend the majority of your time training in that way. Like running is a good drill for runners and swimming for swimmers.

In order to enhance strength an essential thing to be stressed upon while exercising is speed. Weight training programs should be prepared explicitly for individuals taking into consideration their role in team sports, their age, physical and mental capacity to take stress, and the level at which they are to play.

All this information is useful for a trainer in designing a fitness training program, to make a good start.

For over all physical conditioning you should arrange those exercises which develop specific training. Like for developing aerobic and strength and power fitness exercises, running and weight lifting are also performed by swimmers.

Injury prevention is also something which is commonly overlooked although it is an important part of weight training soccer. Injury prevention even though not directly contributing to the play, is important as it ensures that the players are fit to play at the most critical times of the year.

Soccer is a sport which involves running, sprinting, turning and twisting, side-stepping, and setting for an attempt. To develop strength, stability and power the chain of muscles titled as the "anterior and posterior chain," involved in these activities should be given attention.

So for creating these muscles core lifts, like squats and deadlifts are important exercises. An all-round soccer fitness program may also help, but these two core lifts work wonders for leg, hip, back and abdominal strength.

You may also include a swimming program to focus added attention on the shoulders, arms and back muscles.

Usually strength enhancing programs include heavy weight lifting with few repetitions. As we have talked earlier some sports require mass and power but some others like soccer requires a good combination of strength with flexibility, speed and resistance; especially the midfielder.

Strengthening highly vulnerable muscle groups could also add to the performance benefits in the absence of primary strength, power or endurance gains. These include the lower back and hamstrings, and the quadriceps muscles that direct knee joint function.

So this is it. Always remember these points while weight training soccer since in sport like soccer weights may not give much advantage. You are welcomed to our youth soccer coaching community that has a plethora of informative articles, weekly newsletters, and videos to help you better understand the concepts of youth coaching.