This is a question that no man really wants to ask. Yet asking it is actually easier than answering it. If you are interested in a way that will tell you for sure she's cheating on you then you are setting yourself up for disappointment. There is no single method that works for everybody and you should not expect absolutes in relationships. What you should know are signs that will help you to determine that there are high possibilities of cheating.
If you want to get to the bottom of the matter, you need to ask yourself some pertinent questions, which we are going to look at in this article. However, do not start accusing her unless you have caught her red handed!
When did you last have a close discussion with her?
There are very many things you may be talking about, including children and financial issues. However, that is not the kind of discussion meant here. When did you sit down and discuss about the aspirations you have and made your plans together? Do you ever talk about any hopes you have? If it has taken a while since you last had such deep discussions then you need to take the initiative to bring them back. Try to find out what is going on in her life. Or is she not interested?
How close is she to you?
When your wife is cheating, she is likely to get a little distant from you. She may get more withdrawn. Although it is not always the case, a woman will have a close emotional attachment to the man she is seeing, and this will make her less interested in you. She may also distance herself because of the guilt feelings that she's having. If you notice that your wife is pulling herself from you, it could be because she is drawing closer to another man.
How is her lovemaking?
If there are some marked changes in your wife's way of making love, it could be due to the affair she is having. This change can go either way - she may become either more withdrawn or more aggressive. She may even demand more sex from you, contrary to what you would expect. While this is something that you should take note of, understand that it could simply be due to the fact that she has read or watched something that has made her more 'horny'.
Has she turned more critical?
Your wife may seem to criticize almost everything you do for her. She may seem to be looking for the smallest faults to start an argument with you. This could happen because she is comparing you with someone she feels treats her better than you. Listen to the things she complains about so that you can determine the areas in which she feels you are inadequate.