Common Do's and Don'ts for Online Dating

Online dating has become very popular in recent years. Studies show that a large percentage of couples have met either through online dating services or through other places on the internet. Of this large percent, many of these relationships led to marriage and long term commitments.

For people that are inexperienced or newbies at dating, online dating is the perfect solution. Shyness and insecurity often keep two perfectly matched people from getting together. The internet offers them the opportunity to communicate freely and get to know each other before actually meeting face to face.

However, in spite of how great internet dating appears to be, one needs to be cautious and realize that precautions need to taken. Many disasters and crimes have been committed because of online dating, or rather because of failure to be careful.

While there's always the chance that tragedy may have not been avoided even if it wasn't online dating, exercising caution and good judgment may make all the difference. As I stated before, people can meet other people in a variety of online sites including dating sites, chat rooms, online games, forums and more. Here are some simple do's and don'ts for dating online.

If you're seriously trying to meet someone online, make your approach unique. Do not copy and paste the same letters to everyone you talk with. Many sites have similar members that get to know each other and could discover what you're doing. Personalize your letters and communication and limit yourself to only those that you truly want to meet. Regardless of where you're meeting someone, be realistic about your expectations. Not everyone is going to realize how wonderful you really are. Not everyone is going to be as wonderful as they may have made themselves appear.

If you're on an online dating site, do be sure to follow their rules and guidelines. The rules they enforce are there for everyone and are for safety. When you join the site, read the rules so you'll know what is acceptable and what is not. Do not use your regular email account. Set up a separate temporary email account for your dating sites. If something doesn't work out, you may not want that individual to have your regular email.

Do not give out too much personal information until you really know the person well. If they seem to be prying too much, you may want to avoid them. Profiles are great as they allow people to see if you're someone they might want to get to know. However, be very limited with what you put on your profile. If anyone you meet online ever asks for money for any reason, do not give it to him or her. Report them to the site owners. Most of all just have fun meeting new people.