Few things can make a woman nervous quite like going on a first date, especially if it's a date you've dreamed about for a very long time. Even the most confident women tend to get worried about that first date and ways to impress him. The one thing that's very important to remember is to make your first impression count because it may be the only chance you'll get. Here are some important but very simple tips to remember when getting ready and going on your first date.
Be yourself. You've probably been hearing this all your life, and it's never been truer. There was something about you that attracted him and made him ask you out. Don't try to change yourself into what you believe he wants. Try to find out where he plans to take you, dress appropriately, and have fun. If you've been thinking of changing your hairdo for a while now, don't use this time to do it. Wait until after the date. If it was your long brown hair that first attracted him, he might not be too thrilled to open the door to a blonde with short hair, so just be yourself.
In spite of everything you've probably been told about men wanting women that always agree with them, they actually prefer a woman with her own mind. For instance, if your date suggests doing something that you know you will not enjoy, suggest an alternative. Unbelievably, studies indicate that scary movies make excellent first dates because they get the adrenaline pumping and disintegrate any feelings of nervousness you may have had.
On the subject of suggesting something for the first date, you may want to suggest something that will lessen the need for a steady stream of conversation, especially if you're both nervous. They'll be much fewer opportunities to talk if you're both occupied doing something as opposed to staring across a table at each other. At all times, try to keep your sense of humor and have a good time. Chances are that he's every bit as nervous as you are, but if he sees you're relaxed, it's going to make him more relaxed as well.
Try to keep up with current events so you'll have something to add to the conversation. Men like to learn about their date on the first date, but seldom like a woman that talks nonstop. Ask him questions about himself, his work, family, etc. When it comes time to pay for the bill, wait to see what he does. Don't argue about who's paying the bill. If he does not attempt to pay the bill, casually lay out half of the bill.