Dating Web Sites

Dating web sites have flooded the World Wide Web like never before. There are thousands of such sites that claim to provide you with the perfect date within days of registration. Can you believe that there are sites that claim to return your subscription amount if you are not able to land a single perfect date within 3 months or 6 months from the date of registration?

Or chew upon this: there are actually sites that are meant only for men who have an income of over $1, 00,000. The men are actually expected to provide substantial proof of their income in order to sign up on these dating web sites. Obviously the registration for women is absolutely free. Women flock to these websites in order to find a rich and handsome guy to date and probably get into a relationship with him. Because everybody wants different things from a relationship and for some money is one of the most important things.

And this is not it. There are a lot of dating web sites and each of them provides something different that no other online dating services do. But there is no single internet dating site that can provide everything that one desires. Well, that is not the point. One cannot do without the services of a good international dating site if one is interested in dating people from different parts of the world.

But the million dollar question is: how does one know which site is good and which site if bad? Which site offers what kind of services and which are the free dating web sites on the internet. For answers to all these questions, visit, one of the best comparison sites on the internet today that gives its users a comprehensive and thoroughly researched report of what to expect and what not to expect from the most popular sites on the internet. In fact if a site is not listed on this domain, then it is not advisable to visit it at all. The mere listing of dating web sites here is a matter of privilege for them. But there are exceptions where the site lists some of the dating sites on the internet that are to be avoided at all costs.

The sites are listed according to various categories such as international dating sites, French Dating sites, German dating sites, religious dating sites etc. This ensures ease of navigability and browsing as a visitor can directly head to the most relevant section and read about various dating web sites listed there.

There are forums for the users of the site who can provide reviews for particular dating web sites based on their own firsthand experience or experience of someone they know of. Sometimes the comments of other users can get very hilarious and if nothing else, these forums can provide a good laugh over the internet dating scene. But it