Do You Set Boundaries in Your Relationships?

"Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable."

-Denis Waitley

Do the people closest to you make you feel better or worse when you're around them? Whether it's your partner, co-worker, family, neighbor or so called friends; how you feel when they are present is very telling and you should take heed because if you feel worse these people aren't good for you or your health.

As you get older you get to a point in your life when people who don't treat you right no longer get a free pass to mistreat you. Put more bluntly, you stop putting up with their b.s. It's called setting boundaries and being true to yourself.

No one has the right to talk down to you or try and make you feel bad, but boy don't some people think they own the right? 99% of the time it's because deep down inside these people are very unhappy and they take it out on the world.

But, it's up to you as to how much of it you are willing to eat. It's up to you as to whether or not YOU allow them to continue or whether you set them straight. Setting boundaries sets the rules on the playing field.

If someone thinks it's okay to be mean to you or talk derogatorily to you, you need to let them know point blank that going forward; it's not going to happen anymore or you're out of here. Or better yet, they're out of here!!!

Unacceptable behaviors; behavior from others that make you feel hurt or bad in any way simply aren't acceptable. It's up to you to decide what you are and are not willing to put up with and then act upon it.

There is enough stress in life that you don't have to add to it by surrounding yourself with people who try and make life more miserable for you.

I always say, if someone comes into my life and they enhance my life; if I am a better person for knowing them; I'm all for it. But, on the other hand if someone comes into my life and they make it more difficult and it's stressful to be around them; I don't need the aggravation. They're simply not worth it.

So surround yourself with the people who truly have your best interest at heart; those who make you feel good when you're around them and who make you have a better day. Surround yourself with the people who you feel lucky to have in your life.

And the people who seem to be hell bent on making you as miserable as they are; well, you can either let them know they have a choice if they want to remain in your company or you can quietly walk away, bless them and release them from your world.

We can't make other people happy if deep down they aren't, but we can choose whether or not we allow their unhappiness to permeate our lives and leave a sour taste in our mouths every time we are around them.

Setting boundaries sets you free to live your life the way you want. Not setting boundaries frees others to walk all over you. So, what's it going to be?