Emotionally Abusive Relationships Do A Lot Of Unseen Damage To Any Woman

Being in a relationship should be a happy time for anyone, but that is not always the case. There are many people that find themselves in an emotionally abusive relationship and they have no idea how to get out or stop the abuse.

If you are a woman that finds yourself in an abusive relationship, then you have to take steps to put an end to it immediately. Emotional abuse can do a lot of unseen damage to any woman.

The more abuse you deal with and the longer it goes on, the more damage will be done to you. You have to make the decision now that you want out or have had enough of it.

Too many people believe they can change their abuser or that things will get better when certain situations resolve themselves in the abuser's life, but this is not true. Anyone that is abusive towards others, will not stop because they don't want to believe that they are the one that is doing something wrong.

They lay all of the blame for the abuse on your shoulders, even when you had nothing to do with it. Now that you are aware of this essential information about this type of abuse, you also need to be aware of the damage it can cause any woman.

Here are some of the different ways that emotional abuse can cause unseen damage to any woman.

One: Loss of confidence and self esteem - When you are constantly being put down or abused, you start to believe that the problem lies with you. This means that your confidence and self esteem will start to drop each time you are abused.

This can make any woman unable to do protect themselves because it leaves you feeling like the abuse may be your fault and that if you just change then things will get better.

This is not true at all; you have to remember that the responsibility for the abuse lies at the feet of your abuser. You have to remember that you didn't cause the abuse and you have done nothing wrong.

Two: Feeling like you are stupid or worthless - This is something that every woman that is abused emotionally will eventually feel, if you don't already. Your abuser will keep telling you that you are stupid or worthless and eventually you will start to believe it.

Don't let them do this to you because you are not stupid or worthless. You are a woman that deserves to be treated with respect and not be abused.

These are just two of the biggest ways that emotionally abusive relationships can cause any woman unseen damage. The most important thing for you to realize is that it is not your fault, but you do have to do something to put a stop to it. Only when you say you have had enough and take steps to end it will you be able to get your life and happiness back.