Help Save Marriage Advice For Christians

Marriage is a vital part of life as it is the foundation of a healthy family unit. However, it is no secret that marriages can be challenging, and the challenges can sometimes feel insurmountable. As a Christian, when we are faced with challenges in our marriage, we are reminded of the biblical advice that reminds us that marriage is a sacred covenant between two people and God.

In today’s world, marriages are challenged with multiple distractions that can be very impactful in the long run. The world is often busy, and we are encouraged to lead sophisticated lifestyles that can affect our time with our spouses.

However, the Bible provides us with guidance on building and sustaining a healthy marriage that is founded on love, trust, and mutual respect. Here are five practical pieces of advice for Christians who are seeking to save their marriage.

1. Seek Professional Counseling

One of the best things you can do for your marriage when it is in trouble is to seek professional counseling. There are Christian counselors who can help you understand the differences in your marriage, and the best ways to help both of you understand each other.

Marriage counseling is much more than sitting down and talking about the problems you are experiencing. It is an active process that involves examining what has led to the issues and finding workable solutions. Christian counseling, in addition to addressing the emotional aspects of the marriage, also provides spiritual guidance for couples. As a basic communication skill, listening is essential during counseling sessions because it helps couples understand each other’s feelings and concerns.

2. Cultivate Your Relationship with God

Any marriage that is founded in faith and God becomes resilient and stronger, and it can withstand any adversities. Cultivating your relationship with God can help you gain the strength and spiritual guidance that can help you through the toughest times in your marriage. When you have a strong faith foundation, you will have the resilience and fortitude to move beyond challenges in your marriage. It is important to read, meditate, and pray together as a couple. As you grow in faith separately and together, your relationship will grow, and you will become better together.

3. Practice Forgiveness

Marriage is about a journey that two people take together, and it is not always going to be perfect. We will make mistakes, and at times, we will hurt each other. Forgiveness is critical for the health of any relationship. It is an active process that begins by acknowledging the hurt that has been caused, expressing remorse, and eventually offering genuine forgiveness. Forgiveness is like planting good seeds in a garden. It encourages growth, kindness, and positivity. However, forgiveness is not an easy thing to do, but it is necessary for the growth of the marriage.

4. Invest Time in Your Marriage

Marriage takes effort, and time is necessary to allow you to get together and grow as a couple. Time is a limited resource, but it can make an enormous difference in your marriage. Investing time in each other involves setting aside time each day to spend together. It could be a few minutes of walking, sharing a meal, or having a meaningful conversation. It is essential to get to know each other and reinforce the bond that you have as a couple. When we prioritize our spouse and marriage, we are investing in a solid foundation that can withstand any storm.

5. Share Responsibilities

Marriage is a partnership that requires the mutual sharing of responsibilities to make the journey smoother. It is important to share the responsibilities and duties of marriage to avoid burning out and feeling resentful. Sharing responsibilities means recognizing that you are both equal partners in the marriage and that you must work together to build a great relationship. It involves assigning duties that each of you can handle, and when necessary, helping each other out when a crisis arises. Sharing responsibilities also shows respect, appreciation, and love to your spouse, which are foundational elements of a healthy marriage.


Marriage is a journey that requires effort and commitment. As Christians, it is essential to prioritize building healthy relationships that align with God’s will and plan for His children. By following the practical advice for saving a marriage, Christians can build a strong foundation to steer them through the tough times that they might face ahead.

In every marriage lies the potential for joy, love, and growth. However, it takes effort, time, and commitment to work through difficulties, sustain hope, and move forward together. As a Christian, your faith is a guide that should be at the forefront of your marriage, and it is a foundation that should be built upon with an unshakeable commitment that withstands the challenges of life.