How Can I Get My Ex Back the Right Way - Make Him Realize What He's Missing

After breaking up with someone that you still really care about and have feelings for, you may find yourself asking "how can I get my ex back the right way?" If you want to get your ex back without having to debase yourself with begging and crying (which, by the way, is never recommended!), late night phone calls and general desperation, there are some tricks that will speed along the process and help you to win back the affections of your former significant other.

First of all, remain friends with this person. Obviously if you care about them enough that you would like to remain in a relationship with them, maintaining a friendship should not be difficult. If you remain friends and keep the emotional attachment alive in a more platonic manner, the possibility of getting back together or for romance to bloom all over again is always there. In addition, you will be able to maintain the contact and conversation that you shared while you were in a relationship, even if it doesn't come with all the kissing and cuddling you grew accustomed to.

In order to get your ex back the right way make sure that you never allow yourself to become demanding, needy, jealous or desperate. At the very least, even if you feel this way, don't let yourself be seen as such, these traits are never attractive and will probably only remind your ex of the reasons that you broke up in the first place.

If he or she tells you about a new girl or boy they are dating, let it roll off your shoulders, even if you are enraged on the inside. Let your ex know that you have a life outside of him or her and that you are independent and prepared to jump right back into your old life without them. Don't be secretive if you go on a few dates yourself. Jealousy is a powerful emotion and can bring an ex back into your life rather quickly at times.

Most importantly, be patient. Everyone needs time apart from the one they love in order to realize how important that person is. It may take your ex longer to realize what a fantastic person you are. Maintaining a healthy friendship with your former lover and getting back into the dating scene yourself will allow your ex to grasp just how desirable you are and will help you to remember it, too. Practice patience and the advice outlined in this column and whatever happens, you will be prepared to meet it.