How To Get Your Spouse To Love You Again

If your spouse is no longer in love with you as when you are dating, do not panic. However bad the situation may be, there is still a way for you to rekindle yoru relationship and get your spouse to love you again.

The first step is to understanding. It is very easy for you to connect losing the feelings of being in love with actually loving each other when it is no longer the case. After their dating days have ended, the couples no longer feel the same excitement and sexual attachment as before.

Unlike dating, there are more commitments and responsibilities in marriage. Unlike those you face in school and work, these will be what we need to face for the next 10, 20 or even 30 years down the road and even more so when you have children.

Love is more than just being fond of that person and expressing your feelings for him or her. It is all about caring, sharing and even sacrificing everything you have if the situation requires be it from your spouse, children or both. That includes the things you love and freedom you cherish during your single days.

Every single thing you do be it work, spending money and even hobbies, you need to take their feelings into consideration. Such as telling and discussing with them even though there is a possibility of them not agreeing with you all the time.

It is never easy but this is what love is really all about whether you agree with what I just mentioned or not. If you cannot forsake certain things like playing video games, watching movies and shopping, then marriage and even parenthood is not for you.

Even when you have a steady stream of regular and passive income, you still need to set aside some time for your spouse and children. Not once or twice a week but every single day.

Every relationship has 4 stages as in falling in love, honeymoon bliss, disagreements and then being stronger or weaker in marriages.

Just because we find fault with each other, it is very easy for positive feelings to fade. It takes proper undersanding or even dire circumstances - when we are forced to work together