How To Have More Than An Individual You Really Like

How to get over someone you love is one of the hardest quandaries humans have. When you give someone your heart, it's not so easy to take it back, even if your ex has smashed it to pieces.

The first thing you have to ask yourself is how to meet women whether the relationship is really over. Are you still hoping against hope that he or she will take you back? When the phone rings, do you immediately believe that it is your ex asking you out? If so, it's not over yet, at least for you.

Your ex may be prolonging the agony by phoning frequently or telling you that it's okay to “just be friends.” Maybe at a later date you can hang out again, but right now, it's time to cut them off cold turkey. You have to decide that the relationship is really over in order to get over someone you love.

Next, you have to cut out all of the ties you have to your ex. One way to do this is to get rid of or exchange all personal property. Box up all of the goods he or she has left at your home and request that they give you back your stuff. If some things are too trivial to exchange, (like a toothbrush) throw them away. If your ex has given you expensive personal property like jewelry, consider selling or auctioning it.

You should also get rid of the non-physical ties to your ex. For instance, delete them from your speed dial and take their picture off your facebook page. If they call you, don't answer the phone. Don't respond to emails either.

If you have intermingled finances, this is a good time to sort them out. Pay back any loans and separate any property such as real estate or checking accounts.

Once you have made the decision to move on, you have to start filling your life up with other people and activities. In the time you used to spend with your ex, go to the gym, volunteer, join a group or club. Fill your life up with busy-ness that can keep your body and mind occupied.

As you start to get involved in new activities, you are sure to start meeting a new group of people. Be open to dates. Don't worry if the person asking you out isn't necessarily “Mr. or Mrs. Right.” Go out on a friendly date just to get back into circulation.

As you start to make new friends and even foray back into the dating world, you will start to make new connections. When you start to look forward to spending time with a new guy or gal, you will know that your heart has started to heal.

Getting over someone does not occur quickly. You need to give yourself time. During this time, you can cater to your needs and interests. You can pamper yourself and not have to worry about the needs of a partner.

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