How To Have The Right Relationship And The Right Work!
The importance of the RIGHT relationship
What happens to you when you have someone close in your life that you love and who loves you? Of course there are children, but in this article I am going to address your special relationship. It could be a spouse, partner, boyfriend, girlfriend or someone very special in your life. Perhaps you had this person at one time in your life and would like this again. Perhaps you are fortunate enough now to have this special person in your life. Perhaps you are alone or in a relationship which is not working. What do you do now? There are many things which come from a great relationship. Your sense of self increases, you become calmer, you have more intimacy, and overall you are happier. With regards to your work which you love and can do for a lifetime, having this special person in your life is critical. You feel support in your work, you have a cheerleader, and, most important, you can share your work passions and interests with someone special who is both interested in your work and cares deeply about you. Now seems like a good time for you to either make this special relationship even stronger or search for a new relationship which will align with your work.
The influence of close relationships on work
When you have someone to come home to, who shares a little of your passion about your work, this only makes your work stronger. You have someone to bounce ideas off, someone to give you advice without the silly performance review, and, most important, you have another person who loves you and has a vested interest in your work. Do you have this special person to come home to? If not, why? What is preventing you right now to do something about this? If you are reading this article and you are over 40, there is no time to waste. This is your time to be selfish and pursue this special person or make your current relationship if it is working even better.
How to build a strong relationship foundation
Assuming you have the right person for you in your life right now, it