How to Win Ex Back - When Love Still Exists

If you are looking to win ex back there are many steps that you can take in order to increase your appeal to him or her while simultaneously becoming a better, more complete person. First and foremost, try to remember who you are before you were in a relationship with that person- what things interested and excited you?

The person you were before you had ever met your ex is the person that they fell in love with- someone who was passionate about things and had a lot of interests. Return to these things and appreciate your new found time and energy for them. Proceed with caution when trying to win ex back and remember that no matter what happens you will be okay and that person's acceptance and validation isn't what makes you special.

A very effective means of strengthening your own will power to attract your ex back to you is to become a bit more distant from him or her. Do not call, text, e-mail and facebook your ex incessantly to communicate just how much you miss them and want them back. This is often more off putting than alluring. While you pursue all of your interests, relax communication with your ex, this will illustrate your independence and maturity, both very attractive traits.

When you are lucky enough to see that special guy or girl, do not allow yourself to be shaken, be polite and engaging with them. Be the person that they first met, flirt a little, but do not push the issue of getting back together. Remain cool at all times. In the between time, infrequently call or text your ex and ask how they doing, let them know that you are thinking about them and the possibility of getting back together will never completely disappear from your ex's mind. If you still love your ex, it is worth it to figure out how to win ex back, but the first and most important step in this process is to focus on yourself.