Discovering that your wife has cheated on you can be very devastating. The painful experience may make you wonder whether your marriage is a lie. Your wife is also likely to change how she views her roles in the marriage. However, deep down, neither of you will radically change your perceptions of marriage in spite of the painful experience. Wives are the homemakers by nature, and the fact that that woman had agreed to be your wife shows that she was prepared to establish a home there.
When you discover that your wife has had an affair, you will need to make tough decisions quickly. You will need to decide whether you want to call it quits or work at strengthening your relationship. While some husbands cannot bring themselves to a state where they accept back their wives in spite of such mark of betrayal, some do it and build even stronger relationships than they had earlier.
You should not be ashamed to accept your wife after she cheats on you. You will not be the only person who has done this. And even if you were, the gains are still worth considering. Although you need to make your decision quickly, you should avoid rushing and taking actions that will make the situation worse.
Is marriage a lie when you find out that your wife has cheated on you?
Many people who face this bitter experience are disillusioned and take the whole marriage to be a lie. However, this is not really the case. Cheating is certainly a serious step that should not take place in the first place. However, you should not let one act ruin all the good things in your relationship.
If marriage is not a lie, do you need to forgive your wife for her heinous act?
Unfortunately, no one can really answer this question on your behalf. You will need to make an independent decision. As the saying goes, what has been has been - your wife will not be able to take back what she has done. If you would like to save your relationship, however, you will need to forgive her so that you can mend the broken fences. It is just that you should not expect the pain you feel to evaporate into thin air. Healing is a process.
Cheating is breaking of the marriage vow. However, that does not make the marriage itself is a lie. You will count marriage as a lie only if you define it from the affair instead of the wonderful things you have shared together. There are high chances that you will still share many wonderful moments together.
How can you overcome such a painful experience?
You need commitment if you want to overcome, and you may falter along the way. However, when you apply the correct approach, you will be able to pull through and reap great rewards.