Moissanite Engagement Rings: The Affordable Yet Worthy Alternative

Everyone knows the economy at the present time is not at its best condition. This is not the best time to get married for most couples who are on a budget. Asking someone to marry you does not have to entail as much stress through. With the help of moissanite engagement rings, this is definitely possible.

Aside from being a woman's best friend, diamonds are forever as well. However, there is no way we can deny how costly they can be. Another option comes in the form of moissanite.

Technically, moissanite is a mineral that is produced naturally. Its name came from Henri Moissan who discovered this mineral in a meteor in 1893. There are, however, no supplies of this mineral on Earth, so scientists keep on creating synthetic versions in their laboratories. One of the major applications of moissanite was discovered in 1995 when jewelers started to use it as a gemstone.

Its overall effect makes it highly difficult even for jewelers themselves to spot the difference between moissanites and diamonds. It is presently the best option for those who want the brilliance of diamonds without the high costs that come with them.

Moissanite engagement rings are the perfect alternative to diamond rings. Their sparkle and whole beauty cannot easily be differentiated from that of real diamonds. In addition to that, they are considered by some to have greater durability. It is their refractive nature that makes them even more brilliant than a diamond or any of its cheaper and mostly inefficient substitutes.

One way to tell a moissanite ring from a diamond ring is the greenish or grayish hue instead of the colorlessness of a diamond. This is most clear during broad daylight. When buying this kind of ring, it is highly advised for one to carefully check out the stone under different lighting conditions.

The moissanite's characteristics make it the topmost preference over the different alternatives to diamonds. Cubic zirconia is brilliant, but even its hand-cut version cannot rival the brilliance offered by diamonds and moissanites. This material is also of lesser durability, making it an inappropriate choice for something that is worn everyday.

These moissanite engagement rings are mistakenly referred to as fake diamonds when they are actually minerals that resemble a diamond. They are perfect for individuals who have a limited budget, but it might help if one asks his partner as to what she prefers to receive instead of simply choosing something for her.