Saving a Relationship - Getting Back On Track to Love and Happiness

Are you in the painful position of watching your relationship fall apart? When your partner is distant and you feel so alone, how can you get back on track? Saving a relationship is not always easy but it can be done. However, you will need to make changes before it's too late. To find out how to save your relationship and get back on track to love and happiness, read on.

The first thing you need to do is to step back. If you are regularly arguing with your partner, then stop rising to these arguments. You will have difficulty saving a relationship if you keep fuelling the fire. Although this won't be easy, try to get control over your feelings. It's hard to fix things from a place of extreme emotional pain. While you are letting it all get on top of you, you're not going to be able to do much. Realise that your partner is probably feeling as hurt as you do. You will have to see through this hurt and anger if you want to save your relationship and get back on track.

Try to see things from your partner's perspective. You may think that your partner is being quite unreasonable but it's probable that he feels the same way about you. Whatever you think about who is responsible for the deterioration in your relationship, you are almost certainly contributing to the breakdown by your perpetuation of negative patterns in your relationship. Perhaps you are unsympathetic to your partner's needs because you are not getting your own needs met. Or perhaps you nag or criticise because you are not getting your own way, but all this only drives you and your loved one further apart.

How can you improve the situation? How can you start to communicate better to dissolve some of that pain? Think what you can do for your partner. How can you lighten things up between you? A small token or gesture to apologise and try to start to make amends. He may not seem receptive at first but don't let this put you off. However, do not be reduced to begging. You will come across as weak and this is unlikely to be helpful in saving a relationship.

Your communication patterns are often what slowly erodes the love in the relationship over time. Are you communicating appreciation, love and affection or disappointment, anger and criticism? If your partner is also communicating those negative points then you probably know how hurtful it can be.

Start to look at the patterns in your relationship and how they can be improved. Has it turned into a competition for who hurts the most or who can hurt the other the most? Try seeing how your behaviour feeds these negative cycles and what you can do to change your responses to make them more positive. If you improve your communication and stop buying into the negativity that exists in your relationship, then your partner will also be forced to change over time.

Learn to be more accepting of your partner and the way that he is. If you can't accept him for who he is then why do you want to save your relationship?

Take it slowly when saving a relationship. Concentrate on your partner's good points. You used to know what they are. Start with a compliment or a smile. Try to laugh at yourselves and how bad you have let things get. When you can laugh together, then plan a date. Saving a relationship is easier when you take small step by step positive actions to improve yourself and your communication with your partner. Then, there is a good chance that you can get back on track to the love and happiness that you once had.