Strategies To Winning An Ex Back

Here are some scenarios to try if you're attempting to patch up a broken relationship. Hopefully you and your ex both want to reconcile already and that you both have the proper attitude to do it. There are many other strategies to winning your ex back, but here we're just going to toss out some examples. You don't have to use them verbatim, but use them as inspiration for your own ideas.

1) Make a list of your happy times together. In patching things up, you have to ask what went wrong, and this leads to dwelling on the bad times that broke you up. Now compensate for that by dwelling on the good times. Recall your first Christmas together, and those first awkward presents you gave each other. Or your first ski trip or first time getting a puppy. Anything that brings a smile to your face and gives you a fun story to tell.

2) Get a makeover. Do your hair, get new clothes, and carry yourself like a new person. Goodness knows, your ex has seen you drag around the house in your trashy T-shirt and stained sweat pants enough already.

3) Try an activity that your ex really enjoys. Maybe your wild party animal girlfriend tried to get you to the rave, or your geeky weeaboo boyfriend was always trying to drag you to the Renaissance Faire. You know what? Try it anyway. Try to enjoy it anyway. Some things grow on you if you give them a chance. At least try to see what your ex sees in this activity.

4) Take time off from work or school. Vacation time or other breaks are the perfect opportunity to spend some quality time together. Make some plans, whether it be to go out of town or just barricade yourselves in your love nest for the week. It seems impossible to believe in our stressful modern lifestyle, but you really can put the world on 'pause' for a few days.

5) Shut off all the electronic gizmos and talk to each other! This needs to be said. Too many couples let themselves get into the habit of sitting in bed together with his and her laptops, or watching the TV all the time, or always being on the phone. Really, try this experiment, because it will change your relationship: Turn off everything in the house that makes noise. Make a game of it. You'll discover the radio behind the TV, and the fan and the MP3 player behind that, and then it's the air conditioning and then something behind that. Do it until you can hear your own heart beat. Now sit down together and just stare at each other and meditate. Now have a conversation, about anything, just let it wander around aimlessly all night. Wasn't that amazing?