Valentine Teddy Bears The Ultimate Valentines Day Gift

Why Teddy Bears are the best present for Valentines Day

1) Flowers: Althought they are beautiful and fragrant, the life of cut flowers is fleeting. What begins as a celebration of life quickly becomes destined for the garbage bin. A Teddy Bear can last a lifetime, and a Personalized Teddy Bear will become an instant hierloom. A memory that can never die.

2) Chocolate: Instant gratification and loads of calories. A Teddy Bear is sugar free yet sweeter than any confection you could buy.

3) Breakfast in Bed: Why not add an ingredient to really spice things up! A Personalized Teddy adds a touch of romance that will never be forgotten,

4) Jewelry: Why not present that special someone with a Personalized Teddy Bear holding or wearing your jewelry gift? Talk about a show stopper!

Everyone needs something to hug and there are very few gifts that are so huggable and personal. Personalized Teddy Bears, as Valentines Day gifts go, are the ultimate heart warmers.I hope these tips have been helpful and good luck with your Valemtine gift search!


From the folks at

For 20 years Flying Bears UK Ltd has been the leading manufacturer, distributor and retailer of Personalized Teddy Bears in the UK and Europe. Our Teddy Bears are now available in the United States and Canada through IC Online Services in Los Angeles, California. Specializing in: Valentine's Day Gifts, Anniversary Gifts, Birthday Gifts, Graduation Gifts, Bridesmaid/Groomsmen Gifts and make the perfect present for any occasion.