What to Do and Not to Do In A Relationship

What to share and what not to share matters in a relationship. Our relationships are like the known fairy tales. We see a person fall in love with that person. Then as everybody else does, even we try enjoying the company of that person for as much time we can. There are times when we prefer to stay at his home more than we do stay at our own home.

After sometime you will notice that often when you start your conversations about the expectations you have, he starts behaving in a weird way. Even when you talk about commitment then also you see the same behavior of your man. Is there anything wrong? I think you must be wondering as to what must have gone wrong. There are certain ways which you can follow to know what you are supposed to do and what not.

What are things, which we should not say?

As the old saying goes in this way that honesty is the best policy and I believe that old saying is gold. The way we present the picture to someone is a matter of fact in a relationship. Honesty is the key to open all rusted locks. This also means that you should learn how to communicate with him. Never make your present complicated with your past and do not punish your present for the sorrows you got in the past. It is better if you avoid stories of your past because this will not make things look simpler but rather this would make your present think that there are issues still left related to him. One should not lay down the foundation with issues related to the past because the moment you say the past the fluids in his brain would move in a great extent. Such activities of yours will make the man think in other way.

Things one should remember before making a commitment:

Throw all your old past relationship away, which you have kept, locked them inside your heart. If you want to see your partner happy, firstly you must be happy with yourself. It is in this way that you will influence people around you. If you are always in a depression then there will be lines on your face. It is important that you are happy in a relationship. All man wants a smart woman who does not brood over her past.

Before taking the step for taking the relationship in a better way, you should first clear all your emotional fixed deposits, which will either create backlogs. So gear yourself up and make sure that you now know what to do and what not to do.