Woman Men Love - How To Be That Woman He Is Looking For

Attractive, successful, independent men are the men worth your time and attention. These are also the' women men love' who know exactly what they want from a woman. They are looking for women that will enhance their lives without bringing drama and issues into their world.

Men and women date for very different reasons. Women date with the ultimate goal of finding someone to spend their lives with. When a woman enters the dating circle, she is virtually on the hunt for a quality man that she can see starting a family and growing old with. When a man enters the dating circle, he is looking for a good time. He wants a woman that is fun and exciting and will enhance his lifestyle.

When you meet a quality man, he may initially be attracted to you for your physical traits. Eventually the physical will become second nature and he will look to other factors in you to keep him interested. Are you fun? Are you a good listener? Do you allow him to maintain his freedoms while still enjoying time spent with you?

If a man feels he needs to compromise the life that makes him happy in order to be with you, he may decide these sacrifices are not worth the time he spends with you. If he feels he