You Cheated - Can He Really Forgive You?

There are many things that take place in relationships that require one partner to forgive the other. Men can forgive their partners for a wide variety of things. If you have a boyfriend but have had an affair, can he really forgive you for cheating on him? While it is very possible for him to forgive you, can he really do it? These are two different things.

If this is your concern now that your boyfriend has discovered that you have cheated on him, you should not just wait for whatever verdict he reaches. There are a number of things that you can do to influence him to look at you more favorably. However, you should understand right from the start that there is no method that will absolutely assure you of success. Every relationship is different and there are many other issues in between that can influence the outcome one way or the other.

If you want things to be more to your favor, then you need to use the right approach. How do you do this?

Use plain facts

As much as you can use your emotions to influence your boyfriend, now is not the time to follow this route. You will need to lay the facts on the table as to why your relationship should not come to an end. Highlight the positive things that your relationship has achieved and can still achieve. Do not try to wring his heart by being emotional at this time.

Be realistic

You need to understand that what you are facing is an uphill task and you should not expect to sail through smoothly. When you cheat, your boyfriend will look at you in a different light and he may even change the way he views your relationship. You will need to let him have some time to overcome the painful experience. In fact, you should be prepared that things may not get completely to the state where he trusts you will all his heart, at least during the initial stages.

Make necessary adjustments

If you were truly happy with the way things were in your relationship, you would not have had an affair. Both of you will need to take a deep look at your past relationship and determine the problem areas that you may not have noticed and then make necessary adjustments.

Let him know how much you love him

Now that your boyfriend knows that there has been another man in your life, you will need to convince him that you truly love him over that other person. You should make him feel great if you want to win him over. Show him that he will remain your only man as you move forward in your relationship.

Fight for your relationship

Every relationship faces upheavals; hence you need to be determined to make yours work in spite of the turbulent period you are going through. Fighting for your relationship will not only make you feel better but will also help to make your boyfriend see that you still value him.