2012 Apocalypse: A Trial by Fire!

Our Fears

On December 21, 2012, The ancient Mayans and many other ancient civilizations have predicted the end of the world as we know it and the beginning of difficulties that modern humans have never seen before. War and disease on epic scales as well as fake vaccination efforts against diseases that are not only fabricated, but fabricated by the very governments that we thing are here to protect us. A good example of this is the swine flu pandemic presently sweeping the world. Worldwide starvation will be the biggest problem with up to 85 percent of society starving to death with people eating dogs and cats and possible eating each other. The possibility is horrible and the chance of escaping this is inevitable. It will only be a matter of how does one deal with this and how does the family unit remain, in a society where people are going to be eating other people!

The greatest fear we could obviously face for 2012 would be the specter of a nuclear holocaust on a worldwide scale. From this there could be no escape. Every human on Earth would be affected instantly as well as a second time for some, in the near future through starvation, drought, physical violence and disease. A further even worse scenario would be played out when some of the survivors would have little to no food. A mother and father would not have enough food so grandma and grandpa would die of starvation so that the kids could have what little to eat that their would be and it gets even worse. When food scraps run out mom and dad may have to cook grandma and grandpa so that the kids have something to eat, and pray that the kids never find out what they had eaten! This changes the family dinner into some sort of insane gathering.

We also have the fear of how our children would view the world and how they would make it to adulthood or if they would even want to become adults. What kind of a world would their be left to show them and teach them about?

Our Hopes

We hope for world domination. We pray for world peace. We beg for world acceptance and all of the while we are looking for a future that we ourselves have not created. We assume that the government will take care of our needs, but the government only takes care of itself! We have lived with a fantasy land mindset while our society continually gets worse and hide behind 'closed doors'. The world in our house nearly the opposite of the world beyond our front door.

The people who speak publicly about 2012 paint a sinister picture of 2012. The researchers tell us about things like earthquakes, typhoons and 1 mile high tsunami's. They speak of war and genocide. Many of the researchers also inform us of worldwide food shortages and massive worldwide starvation in the near future. We hope that they are wrong but what they are saying is what we are observing in the world around us year after year.

Our Dreams

As a result of our own observations, we know that our dreams can only happen if we can fix the world around us but we know that people are to selfish to change and that is why this horrible thing MUST happen to us! This dream is not going to be a good one but will happen to shake up our society and force changes to occur. 2012 will surely start out as an apocalypse with natural disasters and human conflict and grief on a worldwide scale. It would be wise for us to stop trying to prevent the inevitable and simply plan for it.

It IS going to happen and you need to get prepared.

If you were certain that an event was coming in the near future that could not be avoided, you would be at least be looking for a way to prepare for that for sure. This is what I recommend to you because what is coming has been on its way for thousands of years. This is not a pigment of our imagination as even Jesus in the bible mentioned guarding it, until it burns. The 2012 prophesy has been researched by many scholars who have all come to the same conclusion that it will happen but can be prepared for by those who are aware of it. James Sayer is one of those researchers who has predicted that in December of 2012 we will experience an event so spectacular, it will change human life on Earth forever.

Mr.James Sayer has translated many of the Mayan documents as well as the Mayan calender and says that we are in for a very tough time ahead but also says that we can prepare for this. He has created free information reports and made it available to the public that will enable us to prepare for the upcoming event by knowing key things like where to find water and food, and even how to go to the bathroom. The things that I learned have allowed me to create an emergency plan that I am confident is feasible and cost effective.

Our dreams can be realized and be good dreams but we must first come out and stop sheltering ourselves from the world within our homes. With knowledge we can make it through this and this is what Mr. Sayer is giving us. The ability to prepare for this ahead of time.

We can be ready for this no matter how serious it becomes given that we have prior knowledge and remember that even if you don't believe that this will happen doesn't mean that it won't and if you are not prepared for it, you and your loved ones are going to be in for a struggle that words cannot describe.