On the human level, the image of the creative power of the feminine has been distorted for thousands of years as the result of a patriarchal idealogy. Historic negativity toward women has created gender conflict, ignorance, suffering and lies, both reducing the importance of the feminine and demeaning the reality that a woman has the sameness of a man within her. This sameness is found in the qualities of character that need to be openly lived so everyone can develop into fully enlightened beings. The idea is for women to become male and for men to become female. Let me explain~ This means that we develop the strengths from each gender. In victory, we return to our original state of consciousness. The origin and home of perfection is transcendent.
The character of the Master Teacher Jesus is a perfect example of a complete human being. He fully expressed the positive feminine virtues when he nurtured those in need, was concerned for children, comforted others and struggled against oppression. Jesus fed the hungry, washed the feet of his disciples, openly wept and was confident in expressing intimacy. His behavior is particularly impressive because of the patriarchal time period.
What Jesus did, in my opinion, is destablize the boundaries between male and female. His teachings encourage gentleness, understanding and forgiveness as well as the male virtues of courage, strength and mental reasoning. Because the souls who lived during that time did not understand him, he suffered. His respect and love for the women disciples served to expose the falsity of gender identity and differences as not fixed.
Whatever gender we happen to be is fully capable of authority, reponsibility, courage, strength, intelligence as well as love, compassion, perception and creativity. This sameness is for all of us. Whoever is gifted with the light of understanding must stand forward and speak. Regardless of gender, that individual has the right to act as a spiritual and intellectual authority. Women are fully capable of walking with God. The ultimate goal from my perspective is to be fully human, balanced in expressing both what is considered feminine and masculine aspects of self. We can accomplish anything if we fully understood what thought could do. Our present world can change into a peaceful and loving environment as soon as the collective point of view has changed.
Although it is not obvious to everyone, dramatic changes are happening everywhere and to everyone. Some of the shift is directly the result of the fact that we are moving into a new cycle of heightened energy. It is time for humanity to move forward, which means expand individual consciousness. When we open the door of the heart and mind, a balancing of the Masculine and Feminine Principles happens. The shift will make a future quite different from the previous 6500 years. We are living in a time of adjustment and to survive, we require a willingness to change, accept and let go.