A Personal Relationship With God

What is the most important thing to you in your life? Some might say that it is their spouse or their children. Others might say it is their job. Still others would admit that God is most important in their life.

Many things in everyone's lives fall into the category of important. And some of those things carry more weight or importance than others. Certainly it's important to keep your grass mowed, but paying your bills on time would be much more of a priority.

And so, as we go about our daily lives we take care of many things that are important and necessary. We nourish the relationship we have with our special someone. If we have children then we take care of them the best we can. We manage to secure employment so that we can eat, have shelter and take care of our other responsibilities.

And then of course, there is the personal relationship that we have with God.

Some people do not have a relationship with God. They rarely give God any thought and just go about their business. Some feel that God put us here, and now that we're here we should just do the best that we can.

On the other hand, there are those who work very hard at trying to live their life for God. They speak about God in almost every sentence. They are involved in lots of activities. They are very busy doing what they believe is God's will. But what about having a personal and close relationship with God?

You could have someone do work at your house and never have a relationship with them. They could come over for two weeks to do a project, work very hard, do a great job, but still not have any kind of relationship with you, other than getting your work done.

The question then is, does God just want us to be his busy worker bees, or, does He want to have a very close and personal relationship with each of us? I believe that the later is true.

I have been studying and teaching this topic for a number of months now. It has becomes obvious to me that there is nothing in life that could be, or should be, of any greater importance than our personal relationship with God. Why? Because it affects every aspect of our lives.

That being said, it presupposes that we would indeed want God to be involved in every aspect of our lives. But, why not? Or, do we have a number of things that we think that we really don't need any help, advice, or insight that we could get from God? I think not.

So, how does one go about developing and nourishing a relationship with the Almighty? After all, He is the creator of the heavens and the earth, and I am just me. How do I engage in such a relationship?

While there are a number of simple, yet dynamic aspects of this topic, and not adequate room to get into any great detail in this article, consider the basics. Ask yourself how you go about developing and nourishing a relationship with someone else.

The first step would be to begin a conversation. Talk! Speak to God, talk to Him. It is so simple, yet, for so many, sadly they feel unworthy to do so. For many it is due to sin consciousness or condemnation. People feel unworthy to approach God, yet the Bible declares that God has taken care of that for us in the completed work of His Son, Jesus Christ.

While many are waiting on God, He in fact is waiting on us. He is waiting for us to believe in what His Son accomplished for us. He is waiting for us to believe that he has made us accepted because we have believed in his Son. He is waiting for us to come to Him and have a close personal relationship with Him.

So, again, from a practical side, you can begin by taking the time to just talk to Him. About what? About everything. Open up your whole heart; tell Him all that is on your heart and mind. Thank Him for what He has done for you; ask Him for the things that you need. In short, make time to spend time with your heavenly Father.

When two people engage in a relationship, they make time for each other and spend time with each other. But, it doesn't become a big deep relationship overnight. It takes time. But the more time you invest into developing the relationship, the more it will continue to grow.

Isn't it much better to develop of close personal relationship with God instead of just calling out to God for helping a crisis? The greater our relationship with God the more confidence we will have in trusting Him for His help. It really ought to be the most important thing in our lives.