For over 20 years, thousands of people make pilgrimages to a small village in a mountainous and remote part of Bosnia-Hercegovina in search of something special. They all believe that discovering this special something is truly wonderful. And they are absolutely right.
The place we are talking about is Medjugorje For millions of people this is not just a village, it is a way of life.
It tells so many stories about human conversion, healing and forgiveness. Furthermore it is a place where people can find their peace. Peace which is celebrated by thousands of addicts fo example. Now they live their lives free from the chains of addiction. They have gotton a spirituality at this place that has built inner confidence and renewed faith and hope in their life what helped them to find the way back to life.
Medjugorje became well known with the story of six young people who claimed to have had a real experience with Virgin Mary in 1981.
After they've shared their experiences with the public, millions of pilgrims from all over the world started to travel to Medjugorge every year in search of its fruits and to experience its greatest gift