America's Miracle Worker

We read and hear about Special Saints that are dubbed Miracle Workers like Brother Andre of Montreal or Saint Padre Pio of Italy and they are always from another country but now we have our own.

We returned to Louisiana last week, where we experienced Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, America's Miracle Worker. I use the term "Experience" because we have never had the gift of seeing the power of the following this Blessed has been given by Our Lord Jesus.

His story is fascinating, but even more fascinating is being eyewitnesses to a following of thousands of faithful believers, taking part in a three-times-a-year Mass and Healing Ceremony. You have had to be there to believe how loved this priest is. For the Healing Service, which took place after the Mass ended, there were anywhere from 1500 to 2000 people, waiting on line to be blessed. There were eight priests in four aisles, blessing the people who waited up to an hour to receive this special gift. And this for a priest whose life was snuffed out by Yellow Fever after being on assignment in New Orleans for only 11 months. He has a following the likes of which you have never seen. And hundreds of people give testimony of healings and conversions coming about through the intercession of Blessed Seelos.

But who is this Francis Xavier Seelos, and why is there such a great devotion to him?