1 Corinthians 12:25 sums up the central concern of the chapter: "that there may be no division in the body." The general theme of the chapter is the unity of the body of Christ, the church. Paul had been writing to the Corinthian church because some of the church leaders had created a division as a result of their apostasy. Paul's mission was to bring healing through the teaching of right doctrine to the church. He was now explaining that the building blocks of that unity are the spiritual gifts that have been given to God's people. The building blocks are a set. If the set is broken, the unity of the church is broken. When all of the pieces are working, we have one set. But if a piece is missing or broken, we have less than one set.
As with a human body, the various parts work together to make the body whole. Each part has a unique function, and without that function the entire body suffers and is thrown off balance. No function is more or less important than another. They are only different. If your little toe hurts, your whole body limps.
Paul found that the Corinthian church was limping and that limp was the impetus for Paul's next major concern