You are not alone. We are all here together and all you have to do is reach out to others and they will be there for you. You'll have to make yourself available to others or you won't be able to have "right fellowship." Go to the spiritual circles in your area, go to events and gatherings where you think you'll find the kind of friends you would like to have. You cannot sit in your house and still accomplish having friends. If you don't want to be alone, then you have to get out more! You also have to be willing to talk to people and risk putting your heart out there.
On one hand, really, we are all alone. We are born alone, and when we die we do that alone too. No one can go with us exactly where we go when we die. We go there alone. However, we find friends on the other side just like we have them here. Death is only a set change and you just continue your adventures, albeit with a bigger identity.
The real question is: "Is God alone?" If we are all Godself and it is one being having many lives, then we are alone. It is a great terror to face, the deep aloneness that is within us all. I invite you to feel that terror and face it fully, let it devour you, and then see what is left. After all the emotional fallout and fear, after all the layers and thoughts that go through you, there is peace when you accept the great aloneness that is in God.
However, God does not fear being alone. God is in deep meditation having all these adventures in its mind, imagining everything that is happening here, there and everywhere in the universe, imagining you and your life. So being alone isn't so bad for God. There