1From the temple I heard a voice shout to the seven angels, "Go and empty the seven bowls (REFERS TO PLAGUES) of God's anger on the earth." 2 The first angel emptied his bowl on the earth. At once ugly and painful sores broke out on everyone who had the mark of the beast (SHOWING LOYALTY TO THE ANTI-CHRIST) and worshiped the idol.(REFERS TO A STATUE DEPICTING THE ANTI-CHRIST) 3 The second angel emptied his bowl on the sea. (THOUGHT TO BE THE MEDITERRANEAN OCEAN) Immediately the sea turned into blood like that of a dead person,(BLOOD IN THE DECEASED BECOMES VERY THICK AND CHANGES TO A BLACK COLOR) and every living thing in the sea died.4The third angel emptied his bowl into the rivers and streams. At once they turned into blood. (THERE IS NO REASON TO INTERPRET THIS WORD AS A SYMBOL) 5 Then I heard the angel, who has power over water,(HEY LOOK,IT'S THE WATER ANGEL! THIS BOOK MORE THAN ANY OTHER IN THE BIBLE GIVES US DETAILS ABOUT THE ACTIVITIES AND ROLES OF ANGELS) say,"You have always been, and you always will be (GOD DOESN'T CHANGE.SCARY FOR OUR SOCIETY ISN'T IT?) the holy God because you judged them.(THIS IMPLIES THAT GOD WOULD NOT REMAIN HOLY IF HE DID NOT JUDGE AND PUNISH THE PERVERSION THAT EXISTS ON THE EARTH WHICH IS THE NECESSARY EXPLANATION FOR THOSE WHO WILL KEEP CRYING OUT "WHY IS GOD DOING ALL OF THIS TO US " INSTEAD OF THE MORE RELEVANT QUESTION,"OH LORD HOW COULD WE POSSIBLY SIN SO MUCH?") 6 They (REFERS TO THE FOLLOWERS OF THE ANTI-CHRIST) poured out the blood (MURDERED) of saints and prophets. So you (GOD) gave them blood to drink, as they deserve!" 7 After this, I heard (THOSE AT) the altar shout, "Yes, Lord God All-Powerful, your judgments are honest and fair."(THIS STATEMENT COMES FROM THOSE WHO WERE MURDERED BECAUSE THEY REFUSED TO ABANDON THEIR CHRISTIAN BELIEFS DURING THE TRIBULATION) 8 The fourth angel emptied his bowl on the sun, and it began to scorch people like fire. (THIS HEAT WILL ALSO DRAMATICALLY WORSEN THE ALREADY CRITICAL WATER SHORTAGE PROBLEM) 9 People were scorched by its great heat, and all of them cursed the name of God who had power over these horrendous troubles.(WOW IMPROVEMENT AT LONG LAST! THEY ARE FINALLY ACKNOWLEDGING GOD!!) But no one turned to God and worshiped Him.(IT LOOKS LIKE THEY NEED STILL MORE PUNISHMENT DOESN'T IT?)10 The fifth angel emptied his bowl on the throne of the beast.(THE LOCATION OF THE ANTI-CHRIST ) At once darkness covered its (ANTI-CHRIST'S) kingdom, and its people began biting their tongues in pain. 11 And because of their painful sores, (BOILS) they cursed the God who rules in heaven. But still they did not stop doing evil things. (CAN YOU SPELL P E R V E R T E D ?)12 The sixth angel emptied his bowl on the great Euphrates River, and it completely dried up to make a road ( THE ARMIES OF THE ANTI-CHRIST WILL TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS PLAGUE AND USE THE DRIED UP RIVER BED TO TRANSPORT TROOPS TO ENGAGE IN THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON) for the kings from the East. (THE GREEK TRANSLATION STATES "KINGS OF THE SUN RISING" WHICH INDICATES THAT ARMIES FROM CHINA WILL BE SENT TO WAR IN THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON)13 An evil spirit that looked like a frog came out of the mouth of the dragon.(SATAN) One also came out of the mouth of the beast,(ANTI-CHRIST) and another out of the mouth of the false prophet. (RELIGIOUS LEADER WHOM MANY BELIEVE WILL BE THE HEAD OF A CHURCH DENOMINATION)14 These evil spirits had the power to work miracles. They went to every king (HEAD OF STATE OR POLITICAL LEADER) on earth, to bring them together (THIS SHOWS THAT THE ANTI-CHRIST WILL NOT CONTROL ALL OF THE NATIONS IN THE WORLD.INFLUENCE YES BUT CONTROL NO) for a war against God All-Powerful. (THE ANTI-CHRIST AND THE FALSE PROPHET, BOTH OF THEM DEMON POSSESSED ,WILL CREATE A WORLD WAR USING ARMIES FROM MANY NATIONS) But that will be the day of God's great victory.(GOD WILL END THE WAR AND DEFEAT SATAN BY DESTROYING HIS ARMIES)15 Remember that Christ says, "When I come, it will surprise you like a thief! (HERE IS ANOTHER DESCRIPTION: 1 THESSALONIANS 5:2-3 You surely know that the Lord's return will be as a thief coming at night. 3 People will think they are safe and secure. But destruction will suddenly strike them like the pains of a woman about to give birth. And they won't escape.)But God will bless you, if you are awake (MORALLY CONSCIOUS,UNLIKELY TO ACCEPT SATANIC DECEPTION) and ready. (FOR SALVATION) Then you won't have to walk naked (UNPROTECTED FROM CONDEMNATION) and be ashamed."(THOUGHT TO REFER TO THE JUDGMENT)16 Those armies came together in a place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon. 17 As soon as the seventh angel emptied his bowl in the air, a loud voice (THOUGHT TO BE THAT OF JESUS) from the throne in the temple shouted, "It is done!" 18 There were flashes of lightning, roars of thunder, and the worst earthquake in all history.(LIKELY TO JOLT MANY NATIONS) 19 The great city of Babylon (SOME BELIEVE THIS IS THE BIBLICAL NAME FOR NEW YORK CITY BECAUSE IT ACTS AS A WORLD-WIDE SYMBOL OF HUMAN POWER AND CORRUPTION BUT THE MAJORITY OPINION IS THAT IT IS THE BIBLICAL NAME FOR ROME ) split into three parts,(CHASMS OR HUGE SPLITS IN THE EARTH WILL BE CREATED) and the cities of other nations (CONTROLLED BY THE ANTI-CHRIST) fell. (THIS ARGUES FOR ROME WHICH IS CLOSE TO OTHER COUNTRIES LIKELY TO BE CONTROLLED BY THE ANTI-CHRIST AND THEREFORE LIKELY TO BE DESTROYED BY THE SAME EARTHQUAKE) So God made Babylon drink from the wine cup that was filled with his anger. 20 Every island ran away,(WILL BE MOVED TO SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT LOCATIONS AND MANY DISAPPEARING UNDER WATER BECAUSE OF THE EARTHQUAKE) and the mountains disappeared.(MAN THIS OUGHT TO GRAB THEIR ATTENTION !) 21 Hailstones, weighing about a hundred pounds each, fell from the sky on to people.(SOME GOOD WILL COME OUT OF THIS BECAUSE ALL OF THE ROOF REPAIR COMPANIES WILL SUDDENLY HAVE LOADS OF JOB OPENINGS) The people cursed God (THEY KNOW WHO IS PUNISHING THEM BUT INSTEAD OF PLEADING FOR MERCY AND FORGIVENESS THEY DISPLAY NON-REMORSEFUL HATE) because the hail was so terrible.(HEY GUYS WHY DON'T YOU TRY TO FIGURE OUT WHY? THIS VERSE SHOWS THE GREAT HARM THAT IS OCCURRING BY THE REFUSAL OF MOST MINISTERS IN THESE LAST DAYS TO EVEN MENTION LET ALONE DISCUSS GOD'S WRATH IN THEIR CHURCHES.THIS REFUSAL TO TEACH THE WHOLE GOSPEL WILL LEAVE THOSE LEFT BEHIND AFTER THE RAPTURE IN A STATE OF SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS AND CONFUSION AND TOTALLY UNPREPARED AND UNABLE TO COPE WITH GOD'S WRATH AND PUNISHMENTS BECAUSE THEY ARE CURRENTLY BEING LED TO BELIEVE THAT GOD IS IN REALITY THE BIG SUGAR DADDY IN THE SKY)