1 I saw another angel come from heaven. This one had great power, and the earth was bright because of his glory. (THIS IS THOUGHT TO BE ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT ANGELS IN HEAVEN,GABRIEL) 2 The angel shouted, "Fallen! Powerful (CITY OF) Babylon has fallen (COME UNDER THE CONTROL OF SATAN) and is now the home of demons. It is the den of every filthy spirit and a cage for all unclean birds(SYMBOL FOR DEMONIC SPIRITS).3 Babylon's evil and immoral wine (PLEASURABLE ACTIVITIES) has made all nations drunk.(LOST RATIONAL CONTROL) Every king (POLITICAL LEADER OR HEAD OF STATE) on earth has slept with her, (ESTABLISHED AN IMMORAL RELATIONSHIP) and every merchant on earth is rich (THIS CITY WHICH IS THOUGHT TO BE ROME WILL BE AN EXTREMELY PROSPEROUS WORLD COMMERCE CENTER) because of the abundance of her export products.(THIS IS A HINT THAT ONE OF THE WAYS THE ANTI-CHRIST WILL GAIN MUCH OF HIS POWER SO QUICKLY WILL BE THROUGH EXPORT/IMPORT TRADE AGREEMENTS WITH NATIONS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD AND POSSIBLY EVEN BY TURNING THE CITY OF ROME INTO A DUTY OR TAX FREE ZONE) 4 Then I heard another voice from heaven shout,"My people,(THERE WILL BE CHRISTIANS ON EARTH AT THIS TIME WHO WERE NOT JUDGED RIGHTEOUS ENOUGH TO PARTICIPATE IN THE RAPTURE) you must escape from Babylon. Don't take part in her sins and share her punishment. 5 (REPORTS OF) Her sins have reached into heaven. God has remembered (NOT FORGIVEN) the evil she has done. 6 Reward her as she has rewarded others. Make her pay double for what she has done. Make her drink twice as much of what she mixed for others.(GOD IS MAKING IT VERY CLEAR THAT CHRISTIANS NEED TO SEPARATE THEMSELVES FROM THE EVIL IN THIS CITY.ONE WAY TO ENCOURAGE THIS IS TO PUNISH THOSE WHO ENGAGE IN ITS IMMORALITY) 7 That woman (SYMBOL FOR ROME) honored herself with a life of luxury.(GOD'S POSITION ON WEALTH:MARK 10:25 "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.