Book Review: Learn to Study the Bible (40 Bible Study Methods)

"Learn to Study The Bible (ISBN 9781607915768)" by Pastor Andy Deane is an excellent tool for anyone seeking to interpret the Word of God in the most beneficial way. He begins his first chapter with tips for profitable Bible study. He expresses that the transition from reading to studying is writing. He advices the reader to become fully involved during their time of study. He takes time to point out, not only the purpose of prayer during Bible study but also, its importance. He clarifies the goal of Bible study, to be changed by it, to become what you read and live in a way that pleases God.

I was overwhelmingly pleased with the next 3 chapters covering Observation, Interpretation and Application. This basically is the Hermenuetical approach followed by a good exegesis. This author, Andy Deane, gave examples of how to study carefully. It encouraged me to continue to take time and make God's Word applicable to my own life.

It was noted in the following chapter that daily devotions are accomplished by daily decisions. A compelling invitation is presented beginning with Jesus' own example, even the Son of God took time to be alone with God.

The Author advises that we read "with the purpose of meeting Jesus"- a hopeful expectancy, considering the fact that God is present and He's ready to talk to us, we need only to listen. We can receive direction from God which is beneficial to us, confirming a strong point, meeting with God is a privilege. Mr. Deane also explains the significance of not only having a specific place of study but also an order and plan, so it will be accomplished.

"Daily Bread," the next chapter, is a highlighted passage and you can see why. It begins with a very vivid picture of how God kept the Israelites from starving to death, 40 years in a desert. He gave them Manna, bread from heaven, symbolizing the spiritual bread God gives us today, His Holy Word. Here one can understand how meditation can enhance interpretation and application. The goal is to be all God has put you on this earth to be, living and developing Christ-like character daily. Thinking and meditating result in actions. Good study habits help develop good character.

This book was written to aid all Bible believing Christians in "discovering God's great treasure and becoming excited about the spiritual riches," hidden in His Holy Word. This book is a challenge to begin the day with this goal in mind, seeking God through His Word. I intend to encourage my friends and loved ones to use this book as a helpful guide for their personal Bible study time. I may even purchase some copies to give as a gift. It struck a match in me and my prayer is that it does the same in everyone who reads it. May God grant you good success, Mr. Andy Deane.