Christian Success- The TRUE Success Riches of The Lord

"Keep your riches in the Love of God."
Jude 1:20

There is something I want to get across to you in this Christian Success article. My prayer is that you receive it in your heart, and God opens your eyes if they need opening.

I have a question.

What is the TRUE Success Riches of God? Many people debate Success as a believer, and many people debate the reality of Success as a Christian, but my question is "What is the REAL Success Riches of God?"

It is NOT what He gives you as a child of God. Those are FRUITS of His Success Riches.

It is NOT the Blessings of Christian Success that He so freely gives. That is a FRUIT of His Success Riches.

It is NOT the Divine Favor, Divine Appointments, Divine Solutions, or any other Divine Touch of God from His Holy Throne.

God's Success Riches is so much more than that.

God's Success Riches can be found in His Holy Treasury, and what is in His Treasury is the incredible Love of our Lord and Savior and the vastness of His Affection. That is where TRUE Success Riches and Wealth lies.

But also in His Success Treasuries can be found the Incredible Success Power embedded deep in His Love for us.

God loves us so much that He daily blesses us with His Love and Holy Spirit and His Success Riches. But within those Blessings amd Love is a Power that can create any success you desire, and any life you want.

But it is found in His Holy Love for His children. His Infintite, Incomprehensible, Immeasurable, Undefinable, Unimaginable, and Unlimited Holy Love for all of us.

If you have children, you can somewhat understand. But His Love is incomprehensible in quantity. His Success Riches that are found deep in His Love are simply beyond measure in the natural realm.

We all want the Lord to love us, and to bless us, and to impart His Glory and Success in our lives. But God has desires as well.

He desires that you deeply love Him too.

How do you love Him and take Him on as A Divine Success Partner in your Christian Success walk ? Even before you start taking actions towards your dreams...

1) Read the Word daily- especially Proverbs and James.

2) Praise His Name Daily- put on Praise and Worship Music.

3) Tell Him you love Him daily- 7 times a day!

4) Pray to Him daily and seek counsel with your success efforts daily.

5) Spend time with His Spirit and bless the Holy Name of Jesus.

This alone will ake you "Ten Feet Tall and Supernaturally BULLETPROOF!"

If you do that, the Love of God, which is so immense, so deep, so rich, so royal, so beyond human thought, the same Love that sent His only Son to die on the cross for us and raised Him the third day... can raise your life, dreams, visions, desires of your heart, and Christian Godly Success from the dead.

Do you believe?


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