Edification of Others
Paul said that "one who speaks in a tongue builds up himself" (1 Corinthians 14:4), and now repeats his insistence that it is preferable to build up the church rather than one's self. He does not say to do both of these things, but contrasts them as if they are in opposition to one another. And rightly so! The contrast is between self-service and service to others, between self-centeredness and Christian service, between the pride of self-concern and the humility of concern for others. In self-service the love and attention flows inward, to one's self. In Christian service the love and attention flows outward, to others.
And again we note that the word "gifts" has been added to the English. It is not in the Greek. And again we see that it is not necessarily wrong to add it, but it tends to limit Paul's admonition. And again, I think that Jay Green gets it almost right in his Literal Version, "since you are zealots of spiritual things, seek to build up the assembly that you may abound." Other translations use the adjective "zealous" rather than the noun "zealots," and the adjective is to be preferred. The meaning is: since you are zealous for the spirit or for spiritual things, then work to build up (edify) other Christians so that you may grow in the process.
Paul has identified those who speak in tongues as being zealous for the Spirit of God. They are full of enthusiasm, zeal and eagerness to be used by God's Holy Spirit, and Paul knows that such desire is a good thing. So, he encourages it while at the same time redirecting it. He wants people to use their zeal (enthusiasm) to serve the growth and maturity of the church, and in the process they will themselves grow and mature in faithfulness. Since they want to think of themselves as being special because they think that they have a "higher" gift or experience in that they can speak some special fango-dango language, or can speak a real but unknown language of the Spirit, Paul advises them to actually become special by serving the growth and maturity of other Christians. And if they do that well, they will actually grow in maturity themselves and will then have the real thing a true tongue that speaks meaningfully about God, Jesus and Scripture rather than a counterfeit tongue that speaks unknown or meaningless babble.
The desire to be used by God is good, but it should not be self-directed. It should be other-directed. We are not to try to use God for our own edification, but rather we should try to be used by God for the edification of other believers. To speak in a tongue that others don't understand does nothing for anyone else. It is just a way to draw one's attention to one's self, as if a higher truth lies within one's own heart and mind. Rather, said Paul, build up the body of believers by prophesying, by speaking meaningfully about God and Jesus and Scripture. Seek to excel in the ability to prophesy, to explain Scripture.
Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14:13 that the person who speaks in a tongue in a foreign language (human or angelic) would do better to pray to be able to interpret, to say something meaningful. Again Paul contrasts speaking meaninglessly with speaking meaningfully. The Greek word translated as "interpret" literally means to explain thoroughly or expound. The speaking in tongues that Paul encourages involves the translation and explanation of God's Word in foreign languages, which is important. But Paul knows that the words alone, even completely accurate words, are not enough.
While anything is possible with God, it is God's preferable means of grace that the words of Scripture be accompanied with the right understanding, the right explanation from a regenerate or Spirit-filled (Spirit-led, Spirit-dominated) perspective (Romans 10:14). Anyone can read the words of Scripture, but only born again, Spirit-filled disciples can understand it not perfectly, but sufficiently. The Holy Spirit must be in the words spoken in order to communicate to the Holy Spirit in others. Of course God can send His Holy Spirit through someone who doesn't know what he is talking about, but again God's preferred method is to use people who have some understanding of the gospel.
"For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays but my mind is unfruitful" (1 Corinthians 14:14). Verse 14 is a lament. But Paul is not saying that it is a bad thing for a person's spirit to pray (or to pray in the spirit). In fact, such prayer is good. People should pray. But there is something about this kind of prayer that is not quite right. The emotional impetus is good, but without meaningful, communicable content the prayer is not all that it could be, not all that it should be.
The Greek word "nous" can be translated as mind or understanding and points to the rational ability of the mind or the rational content of thinking. Paul does not want one's thinking, praying or communicating to be unfruitful, to be without reason or without meaning. Indeed, all Christian thought, prayer and communication should overflow with rational, communicable meaning.
"What are we to conclude from this?" Paul asks in 1 Corinthians 14:15. He concludes that the best approach is to join the enthusiasm of the spirit with the understanding of the mind, whether praying, singing, speaking or thinking. For a Christian, heart and mind are one. Christians are not to be torn between matters of the heart and matters of the head. Rather, Christians are whole, complete even perfect in Christ, who joins heart, mind, soul and strength (Matthew 12:30) as an element of Christian unity.
In Christ, not only are believers in unity with other believers, but each believer is in unity with him- or herself. Each believer is a whole, a unit. Satan is divided against himself (Luke 11:18), Christians are not (Matthew 6:22). The first step toward genuine Christian unity is not unity among denominations, but the unity of heart, mind, soul, and strength in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in the lives of individual believers. Individual believers must be in personal unity before groups of believers can be in unity.
Paul's mention of singing suggests an application of this regarding Christian music. Good Christian music must be meaningful. Lyrics must be biblical and meaningfully biblical. Singing is a very effective way of teaching and reaching teaching the saints and reaching the lost. Indeed, when biblical lyrics, rich in doctrine and teaching, are supported with godly tunes, tunes that are excellent, appropriate, and passionate, God's Word will better accomplish its purpose. It should also be noted that God's people sing. They are not all great singers, but they do sing greatly by giving themselves enthusiastically to the song. To refuse to sing in worship is to refuse to worship God, to fail to share in the praise of worship. The failure to sing is a failure of faithfulness.
1 Corinthians 14:16 shows an application to evangelism. Paul's emphasis is not just on the edification of believers, but is on evangelism as well. The meaningful content that is to be communicated between and among believers for their edification is also to be shared with "outsiders" (Greek: idiotes). Other versions translate the word as unlearned or uninformed. A literal translation would be ignoramuses or idiots. "Else, if you bless in the spirit, he occupying the place of the unlearned (ignoramuses or idiots the unbeliever), how will he say the amen at your giving of thanks, since he does not know what you say?" (1 Corinthians 14:16).
It's the same concern that Paul has been pressing for several chapters now that communication must be meaningful, comprehensible, and rational. Meaningful communication about the content of Scripture from a born again perspective will serve to edify believers and evangelize unbelievers. This is so basic, so simple, so much a function of common sense that it is hard to imagine how people can get it wrong. And yet, legions of Christians throughout the ages have gotten it wrong in their quest for a "higher" spirituality or a "mystical" experience. It is well past time to close the door on this kind of nonsense, to call it what it is, to call it what Paul calls it in 1 Corinthians 14:33 akatastasia (instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion).