Enrich Your Devotions With Bible Study Resources

Students of the Bible, with the desire to fully understand God's Word, know the value of their daily devotions. Planning ahead for this special time requires having the necessary tools available to delve deeper into the meaning of Scripture. This is where a variety of Bible study resources becomes all-important. Your Bible study toolbox might include a concordance (such as Strong's) or a good Bible dictionary. For the more technologically inclined, computer programs like Quick Verse can also be extremely useful.

Why would one use any additional materials, can't we let the Bible interpret itself? This is certainly a valid point and accurate foundation for biblical understanding. For those of us without extensive knowledge of the original languages, historical context and encyclopedic recall of applicable cross references, the above-mentioned tools are a must for gleaning the full counsel of God's word. First, let us explore the benefit of using Strong's concordance.

Hebrew and Greek are such beautiful, rich languages. Unfortunately, our current English tends to lose some of the broadness of meaning available to the original scribes. An excellent example of this comes when comparing our simpler understanding of the word