Exploring Religious Aspects of Infertility Treatments

Just because society is capable of doing something does it mean we should? When you view this question in regards to Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) this question becomes extremely personal due to its religious connotations. It is estimated that 7.3 million women are affected by infertility leaving many to believe that medical research and treatments should help these women fulfill their dreams of having a child, yet some religions state otherwise.

ART can be provoking, insightful, challenging, sometimes scary, often exciting and always powerful. Many religions have specific views on IVF, surrogacy, and egg or sperm donations creating a multitude of decisions and obstacles for individuals looking to create a family.

In the Catholic religion children must be a product of a physical union between the husband and wife and must be conceived through an act of love and sexual intercourse. Thus, a child should not be created with the help of a physician. Gamete intra-fallopian, (GIFT) transfer is allowed since both the egg and sperm are placed in the women