God's Restoration After An Abortion: A Male's Story

Sometimes we may question the power of GOD to RESTORE. I was once in that place. The day after I returned home after dropping off my then girlfriend (after she had just had the ABORTION), was the worst day of my life.

As I climbed the steps to my town house, I literally collapsed on the steps and could only see a vision of me with a gun to my unborn child's head. Understand, up to this point I did not have that much of an opinion on ABORTION other than to say: "It's a woman's choice."

After three years of grieving, I wondered when would the "haunting pain" end.

It was not much longer that a vision came to me to write about my experience and thus began my RESTORATION period. As I began to write the TEARS FLOWED and I could feel God's restoration & forgiveness powers at work. It was the 1st book that I had written.

My Novel: "The Choice That Haunts Forever" continues to heal me to this day and I pray that it will be a blessing to others; young and not so young who may be considering this decision or have made this wrenching choice.

I intentionally wrote the book on a level that all ages could relate to. It is of the Religious/Fiction/Realistic (genre) and unlike any novel that I have read.

Every year and doing the same time-frame, I am reminded of the life of my Aborted Son and thank HIM AND THE GREAT CREATOR FOR RESTORING & FORGIVING ME.