Hawaiian Healing

We humans have been searching for sources of assistance since forever. For as long as people have had trouble, there have been efforts made to find help. Sometimes we feel confident and secure enough to attack problems and difficulties on our own; sometimes we feel that the problems and difficulties we face are solvable by us, individually. Other times, we feel overwhelmed and this in particular may be when we search for, and even ask for, sources of assistance.

This desire to find help for problems and difficulties again goes back a long way. There are sources of problem solving that can be traced back to almost the origins of the human species. Tools can be thought of as problem solving devices. The human need to do tasks in an easier and more expedited fashion is certainly what brought tools into existence. Here then the problem could be described as improving work, and the solution would be the development of tools.

Spiritual solutions to problems have also been in existence for much of humanity. There's a particular spiritual problem solving solution that comes from ancient Hawaiian culture known as ho'oponopono. The original form of ho'oponopono was a method for resolving conflict between people. In Hawaiian culture, and this continues to be used today, when there was disagreement or dispute entire families would come together with the intention of offering apology and making amends. Ho'oponopono was and is the methodology used to bring disputes to resolution.

An updated form of ho'oponopono exists today and it's generating a considerable reaction throughout the world. Self Identity ho'oponopono is what this updated version of ho'oponopono is referred to as. Self Identity ho'oponopono is thought to have been developed by a Hawaiian Kahuna, or shaman, named Morna Simeonna. This new version of ho'oponopono is a direct connection between an individual and the divine creative force, sometimes referred to as God. While God does play a role in the Self Identity ho'oponopono method, the form itself is not religious in nature. Ho'oponopono is a secular spiritual practice.

There are an increasing number of ho'oponopono advocates, and the ho'oponopono technique is becoming more and more popular. Joe Vitale, one of the teachers from the movie The Secret, has embraced ho'oponopono above even the methods he suggested in The Secret. Perhaps the face of ho'oponopono today is Dr. Hew Len, who was taught the ho'oponopono technique from Morna Simeonna herself. Len credits ho'oponopono with helping him successfully treat an entire ward of mentally ill patients in Hawaii. Average people, in addition to people more well-known like Vitale and Hew Len, have taken up ho'oponopono in increasing numbers, expanding ho'oponopono's reach and its reputation for effective problem solving.