When most people think of power, they think of things on a grand scale. One might relate power to Niagara Falls, or the launching of a space shuttle. Others when considering power might reflect on destructive power, like bombs and explosives. But what about God's power?
When it comes to God's power, one could talk about creation. Others might mention the parting of the Red Sea. There are a number of things mentioned in the Scriptures that show the power of God on a grand scale.
But there are also displays of God's power in the Scriptures performed for individuals, and many times without us even knowing their names. You can read about individuals instantly receiving their sight. That is power.
Lame being instantly healed. That is power. Lepers were cleansed instantaneously. Again, that is power in action.
And, while our modern science and medicine have made great advances, they cannot raise someone from the dead. You can read a number of records in the Bible of someone who was dead being raised back to life by the power of God.
Many accounts in the Scriptures depict the marvelous power of God, and show us the unlimited scope of His power. One record speaks of oil. Have you ever just stopped to consider what kind of power can multiply oil?
Of course, I'm not referring to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, but rather the olive oil that the power of God multiplied for a desperate widow. Those familiar with the Bible will remember this record from the old Testament in the book, II Kings.
Her husband had died. Being a widow in that culture was extremely difficult to begin with. And, she had a lot of debt. In that culture debts were paid off, one way or another. But, all she had of any worth or value was a pot of oil.
In her case, and it was perfectly legal, the creditor was coming to take her two sons away from her to work off the debt until it was paid off completely. Being a widow, with no money, no source of income, this widow would not have made it if her sons were indeed taken away.
But she went and talked to a man of God who gave her specific instructions. She was to go and borrow as many empty vessels as she could from her neighbors. Then she was to take her pot of oil and pour it into the empty vessels.
From her pot of oil, she poured and poured and poured. She filled all the empty vessels. Isn't that jut remarkable? God multiplied her oil as she was pouring. There was not room in her pot to hold all the oil to fill all those empty vessels. The multiplying took place as she poured.
What kind of power can multiply oil as it is being poured? This record also demonstrates God's unlimited supply. The oil continued to multiply until there were no more vessels to fill.
The woman then went and sold all that oil, and the Bible says that she had enough to pay all her debt, and plenty left over for her and her sons to live. I would call that abundance wouldn't you? But some might ask, "Why didn't God just give her money instead?"
Think about what the woman must have felt like as she filled another empty vessel from her pot, seeing the power of God happen right before her eyes. Think of what she must have felt with each vessel that she sold, knowing where the oil came from. Think about what she must have felt for the rest of her life whenever she used oil for cooking or lighting.
Yes, God could have given her a bag of money. But this powerful miracle took place as she and God worked together. She did her part by believing what the man of God told her to do. She got the empty vessels and began pouring, and while she was doing her part, God was doing His part.
This woman, whom we don't even know by name, had a great experience of what it was like to be in partnership with God Almighty. She was just a simple woman, in a desperate situation, believing and trusting God. What about you and me?
One of the great lessons from this magnificent record is that what you have right now is enough. She told the man of God that all she had was a pot of oil. From her point of view that was nothing compared to what she needed. From God's point of view, that was plenty to work with.
The disciples indicated to Jesus that the few loaves and fishes were nothing compared to what was needed to feed thousands. Yet, it was enough; it was plenty for God to work with.
Too often in facing challenges and obstacles we see what we have today as not enough. From our point of view it may look like it is nothing compared to what we need. But from God's point of view it is enough.
But many times religion stops at that point and then instructs one to be thankful and make do and just get by. Yes, by all means be thankful for what you have, but then ask God to multiply it. It doesn't matter how little you have and how much you need, it is enough for God to multiply it for you.
Why do we so often negate the power of God and just settle, and just try to "get by." Why are there examples in the Scriptures of God doing so many wonderful and powerful things for individuals? Perhaps we ought to revisit the prayer of Jabez that was so popular a few years ago.
Jabez just asked God to enlarge his coast; in other words, multiply what he had. And God did just that for him. We too can go to God asking for His help and His supply. We can ask Him to multiply what we have.
Too often we see our talents, abilities and resources as not enough. Yet, God Almighty is a God of unlimited power and resources. Why not expect to see the power of God manifested in your life? Why not ask Him to multiply what you have?