This article will change your life almost instantly. This article will solve all your problems. In just a few moments, from reading this article, you will have everything you want.
No, the above paragraph is not true, but there are those would like for it to be true. Many people are looking for a quick fix to their problems. Maybe that is due in large part to the culture we are living in.
We are living in a time where there is "instant" everywhere you look. You can have instant riches by winning the lottery. Steer your car through the drive-thru and you can have an instant meal. You can send someone an instant message by any number of methods.
Who takes the time these days to sit down with pen and paper and write a letter? In fact, many people don't even use the convenience of a cell phone to talk to someone; instead they just send a text. It's fast, it's instant; you don't have to wait.
I'm not criticizing our modern technology. It can be helpful and convenient. But many carry over all the "Instant" stuff into other areas of their lives. We have become conditioned to wanting everything right now without working or waiting.
How many weight reductions programs promise weight loss in the first three days? How many internet ads have you seen or heard promising income in the thousands in the first thirty days? I heard one awhile back that said that you didn't need to buy anything or know anything. All you had to do was get a web site up and running and the money would just come pouring in.
As a result of our culture, when problems and obstacles arise, people want them fixed right away, instantly. After all, I don't have to wait for film to be developed anymore; I just take a picture and I can print it myself, instantly. I don't need to write a check to pay my bills; I can just do it online, instantly.
People expect for their problems and obstacles to be taken care of instantly as well. Everything else in life seems to be available instantly, so why not their issues too? But real life doesn't work that way, does it?
For example, when it comes to finances, someone may promise you that you can easily make thousands of dollars a month in the stock market. Just buy their course and you are well on your way. The reality is that those who have studied the stock market for years and years know that it takes a long time to be able to be successful in that arena.
I was recently exposed to a business opportunity that offers great potential; retirement potential. In fact, the potential seemed unbelievable at first. But what I really respected was that it is not a "get rich quick" plan, but rather a two to five year plan.
Two to five years? Some would say, "I can't wait that long; I need my finances fixed today!" For some, the idea of working steadily at something over a period of years is just out of the question. They would rather play the lottery, or pay some extortionate price to have a web site. Maybe they should ask themselves how all their plans have worked out so far.
In these days of economic uncertainty and skyrocketing unemployment you will hear about lots of get rich schemes. Many times they will sound appealing because we live in such an "instant" society and we want everything fixed right now. But, beware.
In my opinion, after looking very closely at the business opportunity I mentioned earlier, it is very sound and very workable. I said, "Workable." In real life, it does take work and effort. And, if you happen to find a really solid plan, your work will be rewarded.
Perhaps we ought to remember that God had Adam working in the Garden of Eden. His plan was that we do something, not just wait for the money to come rolling in. And, if we do build something that generates a really nice residual income for us, then we ought to do what we can to help others who are interested do the same thing.
This is the end of this article and my guess is that is did not change your life, solve all your problems, and get you everything you want. But I trust it did cause you to think a little bit about the effect our society has on our lives. And I do hope that you find a good plan to implement in whatever area you are facing challenges and obstacles.