Everything I am about to share with you today may be verified anytime that YOU choose to look for yourself; to ask questions of those who have passed over and now reside in our spirit worlds through either your psychic ability or through a Ouija Board. If you can do this then, through either means, my case will be and already is, proven.
Part l
If you care to take a look at the free online book entitled 30 Years Among The Dead (link at bottom of article) you will see quite an old scientific paper that deals with the psychic and psychological worlds. Although for 1924 this paper was rather advanced for its time yet, I find myself in the position to take it a lot further.
At that time, if you'll recall, we were all, very much influenced by the Victorian era (1924) and so, because of it, most of the paranormal and psychological worlds had been just as influenced. At that time, through deeply indoctrinated religion, superstition, fear and unguided imagination, proper knowledge of the true nature of the ethereal worlds was not available.
And so, to get just this far was indeed, I feel, very courageous. Although I can all but rip this whole paper apart these days in 2006 yet back then, make no mistake, it was well advanced in its resolution. To even attempt to bring two such wide disciplines together whereby one was respected and the other pooh-poohed was indeed a mark in history that should be noted by all.
The idea of me bringing your attention to this paper today is to give you just some idea of what can be achieved through psychical means. But, to achieve anything like it, one must first disregard, our own instilled superstitious fears. Admittedly, for so many of us, this is not an easy thing to do at all. In fact, it is hard enough for many just to acknowledge them. But, to advance and to make a meaningful impact upon the world via spirit means, overcoming our fears, beliefs and superstitions is a foremost must. So, whilst the subject of fear itself must be left for another day to deal with then, for now, let us assume that this fear has been overcome and of what we may do now that it has gone.
Second to fear is doubt.
Naturally, because of our continued questioning concerning Ouija Boards (often reinforced by fear and superstition) doubt will undoubtedly also play its part. To overcome doubt, there is only one thing we can do about this and that is to, again, actually do it for ourselves, to practice regularly until our personal proof becomes available. I have discovered that, when it does eventually arrive, it just keeps coming and coming until the day comes that we don't need it anymore. However, it continues anyway. And so, from there or even before, our research may continue without further preamble. For some, this may take months. For others, this proof comes in the very first session. There is no controlling this and so, for some, it calls for patience. Doubt too can be discussed another time but, for now, let us assume that you have received your personal proof and that, for you, the Ouija Board 'works'; that there is nothing to fear and it actually is the tool of spirit communication that you have been told that it is.
What can be done now?
In reference to 30 Years Among The Dead you will note that most of the study is directed at patients who can be found in lunatic asylums whereby, it is said, some have been possessed by 'evil' spirit entities. In those days (not so much now), spirit possession was very real and that (seriously), this study was on the borders of becoming an actual recognised medical malady. I believe that this was the original intent of that paper. However, this was disregarded very quickly for, to admit to possession, science would have no alternative but to admit to other forces of nature and other potential existences that it was not yet prepared to accept at that time. It is my conviction that, in this, more enlightened age, we are coming closer to scientific acceptance and proof of the afterlife and that, very soon such debates on the topic will become obsolete. But, until that happens, the worlds of the paranormal and science will remain estranged sisters. Be that as it may yet, for now, let us go back to the lunatic asylum and possession.
Possession v Influence
In my many years of research, I have found that although spirit 'possession' per se does not exist yet spirit, influence certainly does. In fact, many are the times that this influence is so potent that one can be forgiven for 'believing' themselves to be so possessed and this is because it certainly feels the same. Moreover, such influence is easily verifiable by anyone wishing to delve into this subject themselves - along with you and I - including the psychiatric and related professional disciplines. In the meantime, what is not commonly known is that 'bad' spirit influence is prevalent and common amongst us. This is a provable and logical fact.
Why is this influence 'common'?
Briefly and generally speaking, the human species is, basically, a negative race. We think, act and even dream negatively and, for the most part, we have been taught to be so. Indeed, just a quick visit to most paranormal forums will more than prove my point for when we count the number of 'skeptics' involved then, we not only have to wonder why they are there at all but that, very little is gained in a positive sense in the Ouija Boards threads. To both skeptics and even a lot of 'believers', the mere possibility that there 'might' be something good about Ouija Boards is not at all entertained - and this, with no real and proper, sustained research behind it too. And so, as it is in online forums, so it is with the rest of humankind for, apart from paranormal forums, one has only to look to our general, day to day behaviour both on the street and in the media to see just how negative we really are. It does not take a great deal of intelligence to note that, this world is not at all a peaceful place to live in for, even as I write, there are at least three wars going on in the world. Wars, incidentally where negativity just spreads and spreads.
Generally speaking, we are a very dissatisfied species. We either have too much or too little money, food, health, love or whatever and, for the most part, most of us can find many reasons to not want to live. Instead, we find more reasons to become depressed, miserable or, in a lot of cases, downright nasty. There are very, very few good people in the world today and, even though we know they are there yet, because of the threat of violence, seldom do we hear from them. Like most people, when their front door is closed, the world can go to hell. And so, hell, the world is going.
But, it doesn't stop there.
It gets worse for, unbeknownst to most of us, the more negative we become, the more we attract similar negative unseen entities towards us - and this, whether we 'believe' in 'ghosts' 'Ouija boards' or not. Even in this, our 'belief' plays no part what-so-ever but that our emotions and original thoughts DO.
.."As we THINK so we ARE"...
You've heard this and, you also know this truth yourself. But, I can take it a step further and add, "As We THINK So We ATTRACT likewise souls and soul mates. I have mentioned forums because, for the most part, whenever I share my expertise in such places, unbelievably, (to me) it is either ridiculed or will illicit a lot of name-calling. In my experience, extremely rare are those who think about my experience (to maybe want the same for themselves), appreciate it or show any desire to know more. Instead, what normally happens is that, the name-calling will begin with one (loud ) member which is then quickly followed by another and another. Eventually, those who want to know more drop out and, in place of proper discussion comes a lot of hate, lies and self-imposed misinterpretations brought about by what I call, the negatives. And, when you get a few doing this, pretty soon afterwards, the negatives 'win' and, in all but a very few cases, end the 'discussion' and the thread. Those who desire to know truths that are not available on this Earth are denied once more. It then seems that the sheer numbers of the negatives themselves make the ill-informed 'right' and that the right - those who want to know more - are out of the picture never to be heard from again. What I have mentioned here is a very common experience in ALL paranormal forums everywhere. It is also a very good mirror for society at large too.
I mention this because this is important.
It was just the same back in the day with demons, poltergeists, dark entities, ghouls, fakirs (or whatever) when, because of lack of proper understanding and education concerning Ouija Boards and our worlds beyond that, what began with only a 'few' people who 'decided' that, speaking to ghosts through this medium MUST be ''evil' ended by becoming an avalanche of other sheep-like 'believers' who also did not fully understand. Eventually, through habit, time and the sheer numbers alone this assumption and lie was made to be true. It must be true for, with that kind of number, how can it not be? It isn't true. None of it is. And, with proper and sustained research, anyone may easily discover that all these are as I say they are - lies. Meantime, do you see what I'm driving at? Fear spreads. Negativity spreads - and so too do lies.
Influence, assumption and lies - bolstered by habit created through numbers, become truths. It doesn't matter the evidence against it yet people, you and I, tend to hold on to the negatives rather than any possibility of the good where Ouija Boards are concerned. We would much rather 'believe' in pain than lack of suffering. Thus, we are negative. And so, to such negatives, I, in all my actual experience cannot be here to help. I cannot possibly be the bearer of GOOD news. Instead, they (the negatives) and their mere 'assumptions' cannot be wrong. This is just so the very same thing for 'demons' ''Satan' 'doorways' 'gatekeepers' 'vortices' and so on and on and it has been this way for a very long time now. And so, top of the list beyond fear and doubt is to rid ourselves completely from unfounded, negative gossip just like this for, other than itself, gossip proves nothing.
When we have gotten rid of all that - simply by totally ignoring it outright and pretending we have never heard it in the first place (easy) a whole empty workbench stands in front of us whereby we can now, lay out our tools and get to work with a clear path so that now, not only can open the possibility (until proven) of curing illnesses with our Ouija Boards but that we can go a whole lot further than even this. When we can become disentangled by common (and wrong) 'belief' systems, 'gossip' or fear-mongering we are unfettered no more and only a wide clear pathway lays ahead. Thus, onward we go to truths never-before-seen.
Please go to Part 2
I thank you for your time
Bob Daulby
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