How Do You Heal Someone Using A Ouija Board? - Part Two
The biggest worry of all when using a Ouija Board is not so much proof but the accepted certainty that we will come across something bad. As I have stated in part one, since WE (collectively) are a very negative species, we often live and then die in that same state. Contrary to many belief systems, I have discovered (when I didn't want to myself) that most of us do not suddenly become angels or high beings of love and tenderness at all but remain exactly as we were, in every detail, when we were here. Although we are (mostly) completely unaware of this yet, we do have a subconscious choice upon death to raise ourselves above the ignorant self that we once were. However, most times, we ignore this choice to 'become one with all'. In most cases, this choice has not been taken from ignorance so much as one might expect but because only then do we fully realise that it is both the experience and individuality of actually living life in the way that we see it is of vast importance to 'All That Is' (or 'God' if you prefer). And so, for that reason, we remain as we are and yes, even if we do happen to be negative too. It is all in the learning process you see and it is the learning that is also of vast importance - to us and All That Is. Without it, we can never truly understand. For the afterlife, so I have learned, understanding is THE main 'currency' of all for, through it, comes all love. The more love that we learn to give, the closer we come to God - and that, no matter who or what we are - this is the true dream, why we live at all and why we keep coming back.
Distorted Belief
Sometimes however, so distorted does that choice become that we 'believe' ourselves into darkness and into a plain of being of our own creation. As we 'believe' ourselves 'low' then, 'low' we are thus, 'low' we'll go, live and be. If we choose not to strive to a higher standard for ourselves then, we'll remain that way and could remain that way for a very long time - perhaps even many lifetimes. I have found that it does not matter what religion or philosophy we may choose to adhere to because this applies to us all. This is because our 'religion' or 'belief' systems go only so deep within us and no further.
After that, we are dealing with the person and not the belief and that this is what we really judge ourselves upon. Thus, as I have found, in the lower places, ALL religions and philosophies exist through those who are there. It is because most (Western) religions never really got a grip on the afterlife, how it works and what it actually is and how deeply important to us all that it really is that religion has lost its way and cannot recuperate that loss (which will never to return - sorry). However, in doing this, they have also lost so many of us as well and have not 'saved' us at all but have condemned us to ignorance. Through that instilled ignorance (that was not entirely purposely done) and thousands upon thousands of years of instilled fear, anger and shame, war and constant battles, our lower places (that WE have created just by being negative) have become vast indeed.
In those lower places are people of all kinds, all characters, all creeds, all 'belief' systems that have existed there since we first walked upon this Earth thousands of years ago. What is more, they number in their trillions and far out-number the 'living' on this physical Earth by many hundreds to one and I cannot even begin to tell you how this has influenced the planet as a whole.
We Are Creators
What we are not aware of or fully appreciate is that, not only are we the creators of our own destiny but also our own universe both collectively and individually. This is not a philosophy. This is fact and one that is proven by our own lives as we live them now both collectively and individually. As we create our lives here so too do we create a kind of physical/ material 'bubble' of existence for ourselves in which we live out our entire lives. In this 'bubble' are reflections of how we think, live and breathe through everything and everyone we touch in our lives that give us this sense of being and sense of individuality - in other words, our sense of SELF. It is in this sense of self that we will fight tooth and nail to preserve at all costs because within each 'bubble' of existence is a Sovereign Entity - that is to say, a being who has as much right to be here as anyone and anything else anywhere. Thus, whether high or low, as Sovereign Entities, we are equal in the eyes of 'All That Is'. Around, through and within each Sovereign Entity is an individual and unique bubble of existence that we, as Sovereigns, are all responsible for and that we are even responsible for its influence too. Influence, you'll recall, is another word for 'attraction'.
Like Attracts Like-Minded - Or Similar/Like Bubbles.
Although our lives are slightly harder to create here, in this dense, coarse realm yet, in the spirit realms, as we think it so this is instantaneously created/manifested. In the spirit realms then are countless 'bubbles' of existences that range from the very small to the vast. In the lower places, many of those bubbles were instantly manifested through tragedy or instant, unexpected death. Many have been created over time through living a life of utter negativity here on this realm. Some have even been purposely planned but, for the most part, the majority have been created out of sheer ignorance. The ignorance that I refer too has little to do with education but everything to do with ignorance of the actual 'what is' and the far greater things in life.
For thousands and thousands of years, we have never been properly taught the proper meaning of 'As Above So Below'. We have not been taught that, as we live now, so our souls live also and that, not only are we all immortals but that life itself is so very much bigger than we have ever dreamed or ever knew. I suggest that had we but known this before then our lives today would be far in advance of even our wildest dreams and the stars today would be our playground to explore at will where we would know nothing but joy. However, that is for another time. Meantime, bubbles of existence do not only attract similar bubbles on this plain of being but also plains and entities beyond our ken (for now).
'Influence' is 'Energy'.
Each bubble of existence has a vibration. Each vibration sings a note. Each note attracts like notes, notes of the same note or harmonic notes. (Hence the term 'we are of one accord' - or rather 'a-chord'?). Notes themselves are waves of magnetic/ repulsed energy and, as such, are not limited to this plain of being alone. Notes (influence) can and do reach to way beyond this universe to universes unknown to us (at this time). Moreover, waves of influence also reach across the barriers of time and space to dimensions that we cannot see.
In the infinite seen and unseen universes are limitless dimensions. One of these limitless dimensions is what we call, 'The Afterlife'. In the afterlife - or rather - The Astral Plains as is sometimes termed - exists many levels of being comprised of limitless 'bubbles' of existence that are limited only by imagination. The higher the 'bubble', the less limited the imagination and less need of a 'bubble' too. One of those levels are the lower plains (which, I have discovered, is not limitless at all but does come to a definite end and stop - which I will explain another time). In the lower plains there are many lower, lower plains in which they - without 'knowing' it - can hear (sense) your note too. As you 'sing', live and be, so YOU attract all that YOU are towards you and you to them (it is often reciprocal and not one way as is assumed).
And this is why when you get out a Ouija Board and contact the spirit realms only to find that the first entity you come across is one who is not quite nice then its because he or she is attracted to YOU - because of YOU and not - as is assumed, the other way around. Before you yourself thought (or 'believed' you thought) and exercised that thought, those in the lower places would never have felt your influence or known of your existence either. You see it is often assumed that those in the lower places know of us or are interested in us. But, unless they're right by your side then this is not always so.
To give you an example of what I mean let's take your interests. Let me ask you, are you personally interested in a single person or even small groups of people living in Africa, New Zealand, Papua, New Guinea, The Canary Islands or a village called 'Halfpenny Green' etc? Of course you aren't. And so, it is the same for any entity on any level of being. Like the rest of us, so busy are they living their lives in whatever manner they choose wherever they are, the less interested they are in you. Unless YOU actively (subconsciously) call them towards you, you will never hear of them. It is the same for all beings everywhere right on down (or up) to you and me. It was your own influence, your own choice making processes - your own characteristics and influence that dragged these entities towards you. They did not attract themselves. None of us do. Thus, if the first entity coming through your board is a bad one then, either you are sympathetic to their struggle or you empathise with it or you identify yourself through it in someway to either ratify and/or embolden your own idea of yourself and they you too. (Look for this and you will see it). Unless they are physically haunting your abode (and most abodes are 'haunted' but not necessarily by the real bad ones) and want to know why YOU are there then, you must realise that, just by being you that it is YOU who has attracted them. In short, it is always us and not them who is at fault here.
Influences Hurt As Well As Heal.
When we are with happy people, WE are happy. When we are with depressed people, WE are depressed. We are all easily influenced by everyone we meet and are effected by them and they us. We are not islands of being. We are a brotherhood of being with each of us attached to the next - that is - everywhere. In that brotherhood, all our influences are felt. If we spend too long with depressed people, pretty soon, their depression overtakes us. When it does overtake us and, to validate these feelings, (to make us right) we then find our own reasons to be depressed until we no longer need outside encouragement. When we become depressed, to further validate our (can't-be-wrong) feelings, we attract the depressed. Moreover, whether we believe in spirits or not yet, we attract from the spirit realms as well as here. If we are alone and depressed, we attract the lonely depressed from the lower realms too. And, when we attract them then, that's when the real problem begins...
The energy of spirit does not deplete. Whether negative or positive, it grows.
The longer we remain in this state, the sooner it begins to effect our auras until, very quickly, it effects our physical bodies so that, sooner or later, what began as minor, undetected ailments soon become larger. When they become larger and noticeable enough to need medical attention, the damage has already been done in that, by then, like the disease that it is, it has been practically set in stone into our being - our bubble - to continue growing. When this happens, not just a few but anything up to even thousands of lower entities begin to be magnetised by us and our influence in this way and, depending upon the depth of depression, this is equalled by the depth of entity that is drawn towards us to influence us further still. In turn, this can only make us even more depressed until, one day and, left unchecked, this will become the cause of our demise through manifesting diseases that WE create that will kill us.
It goes without saying that the opposite to this is a much lengthened well being that also just keeps growing which, in turn, brings us a much more satisfying life with far fewer health problems and even staves off aging for a time.
And so, what we are really dealing with here is not so much 'ghosts' per se but their energies and ours.
Most of the time, most of us are completely unaware of what we have attracted. For example, it came as an enormous shock to me to discover that my own lady, in her outward daily appearance and life, generally gives out a positive attitude yet, deep within and even unbeknownst to her, she is a negative - and a strong one at that. This, so I have found, has come about due to her constant anger and disappointment with her early childhood. Rather than forgive it and somehow, let it go, she has nurtured this anger for a very long time. Although she has successfully suppressed it so that we have to look to find it through her outward and gentle demeanour yet, her soul, like yours and mine, cannot hide or suppress this truth. In soul and, to the entire world at large, (over there) through our own auras, we are all very transparent. It is because we are so transparent that those from the lower places are easily attracted. Like attracts like much quicker there than here in that it is instant. To my amazement, such is her inner anger that, unbeknownst to her, she has attracted mirrors of herself in the form of many hundreds of angry and bitter children from the spirit realms (poltergeists) who, in their turn, knew nothing else in their lives as they lived them here. And so, to cure her - and anyone like her, this must be sorted as soon as possible. If I don't then, God only knows what will happen to her - and me and our daughter through her.
What Do You Mean By 'Sort Them'?
I mean, they must go. There is no middle ground here. They MUST go and we must pull out all the stops to ensure that they all do so.
How Do We Do This?
Any and every entity in existence has reasoning capabilities. I can tell you first hand that no entity can exist without it's core being and that reason can be found in all of them. (Core beings are often mistaken for 'Orbs'). This includes, by the way, such things as animals, plants and aliens. When we direct our attention to this core being - the spark of 'The All' and not so much to the embodied (human) entity - we are equal with them. When we become their equals and they ours, that is where we can reason with them on their level so much that, for a moment and, for better understanding, we can become them. In themselves, core beings are nothing to fear at all. Yours isn't. Mine isn't. Theirs aren't. We don't need to fear them for, in being the spark of The All (God?) that core being contains only love and nothing else. Therefore, direct ALL your focus on that one aspect and no other. That's the first thing.
Secondly, no matter the (bad) language or attitude of any entity coming through your Ouija Board, there is always a reason for it. No one becomes angry without reason. Thus, the next thing to do is to either ask them right out what this reason may be and, most times, they'll tell you. Either that or, with respect to that entity's feelings and emotions regardless of rage, language, tone or whatever try, through various leading questions, what this reason could be yourself. It doesn't take a great deal of hard work and it can be found each and every time. It can be found because, once in direct contact with this entity's core being, we can actually feel for this. Nine times out of ten, this feeling will be the correct one.
Once the reason has been found then, all you need do here is simply answer it.
What many of us do not know is that, by being Sovereign Entities in our own rights that it is within our power to answer even the most ardent prayer - not just for ourselves but for any other entity as well. Upon first inspection, this may sound a tad silly. But, if I tell you that, to answer the most ardent prayer of someone on fire (in spirit) that all you need do is give them water to put it out with, it's not so silly now is it? If someone is drowning, TELL them that the shore is right by them but they haven't seen it and all they have to do is climb out. If someone is missing anyone, TELL them that that person is waiting for them just beyond the light (they always are). It really is that easy and all you need ever do is to have faith in yourself and KNOW that your answer is the right one and it will be so every time. If you treat the 'ghost' as a PERSON and not some 'demon' or 'dark entity from hell' then you're well on your way to becoming a very good spirit rescuer. Once you have found the reason and answered it, then guide them through the light.
Thus, to cure someone of illness using your Ouija Board, bring the sick person to the board (or at least within it's vicinity or even the next room) so that, whoever is influencing from