How Does Change Occur

"For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh (Philippians 3:3 NKJV)"

Today, there is an almost unprecedented confidence "in the flesh." We are told to build up our "self esteem," to practice positive affirmations and to be "the master of our own destiny."

When all this fails, then we need a "therapist." For every reason, no matter what. And I have seen it all.

In my work in the mental health field, courts and social workers, probation officers and parole agents all have ordered their charges to see me. Just because I have a degree in psychology.

I've dealt with wife batterers, moms with drug problems, criminals of all stripes, kids in continuation school and on probation... and more.

I've also seen those who have done nothing wrong to others: This includes countless people with depression, anxiety, hallucinations, delusions, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder etc.

And despite the fact that "therapy" produces precious little in the way of results, the parade continues. And so does the funding. After all, we need "mental health parity"; why should people with mental disorders not get the same care as those with medical conditions? Why should they be discriminated against?

As Christians, we have the answers that the world cannot understand. While some people are able to make big life changes apart from God, most people cannot.

Change does not come about by self-effort alone. That is why the Bible says we "have no confidence in the flesh."

Change does come about with the help of God. That is why the Scripture also says we can "rejoice in Christ Jesus."