Ignatius Of Loyola Forms The Society Of Jesus - The Jesuits

The Company of Jesus takes their solemn vows

The first draft of their Constitution was approved and it was time for the little company to elect a superior. Ignatius called all the members in Italy, to come together for this holy purpose, during the holiest times of the year, Lent. Those who were far away in foreign lands, sent their votes back in sealed envelopes. The only one who abstained from voting was Ignatius, who did not want to show favor for one above the others. He said he would abide by their decision. Little did he realize he would want to eat those words. To his deep consternation he was unanimously elected as superior (of course with one abstention, his own)! He had never wished to be looked up to, as founder; he was just one of the Company of Jesus; Jesus was the Founder, the Lord of all.

He begged; he pleaded, to no avail! They were adamant! When he implored them to vote again, taking in consideration his desire to be just one of them, with one of the other brothers taking the reins, they did; and the results were the same! Ignatius turned to his confessor for help; he appealed to him to explain why he could not accept the position of leadership, that he felt himself totally unworthy and unqualified for such a responsibility. After much prayer, his confessor returned to Ignatius with a sealed envelope containing the results of his prayerful meditations.

The envelope was opened and read before the entire assembly: Ignatius must submit to the wishes of his community and accept the responsibility of superior. The cheering finally subsiding, it was time for them to gather together and take their solemn vows at the church of St. Paul outside the walls. They made the Stations of the Cross in other churches in Rome and then celebrated the Sacrifice of the Mass in Our Lady's chapel in St. Paul's Basilica, which was also the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament.

At that moment when it was time for Ignatius to give Holy Communion to his brothers, he raised the Host above the paten and intoned aloud their vows. Then he repeated this for each of his brothers before they received their Beloved Lord in the Eucharist. With this act of love and adoration, they were pledging their lives to their Lord Present among them. It was to Him they were making their vows, and it was fitting it be in this chapel where He reigned, for all to come and adore, and where His Most Precious Mother was also present. All having joined in this holy endeavor, the Army of Jesus was ready to serve and die for their Church and her Vicar if need be. When the Mass was over, all of the Company came onto the Altar, embraced Ignatius and one another, tears unashamedly spilling from their eyes. The vow they took is the following:

"I, the undersigned, promise to God Almighty, and to the Pope, His Vicar upon earth, in the presence of the Blessed Virgin, His Mother, and in the presence of the Society, perpetual poverty, chastity, and obedience, according to the form contained in the Bull of the Society of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Constitutions already published, or which shall be published afterwards. I promise, moreover, particular obedience to the Pope with regard to the mission spoken of in the Bull. I promise likewise to take care that the youth be instructed in the doctrines of the Faith according to the same Bull and the Constitutions. Given at Rome, Friday, the 22nd of April, in the Church of St. Paul beyond the walls."

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